Accepts International Submissions for Various Anthologies: Blasphemy Press (paying market)

13 February 2013
Accepts International Submissions for Various Anthologies: Blasphemy Press (paying market)
We are so new that we need you to help us grow. We are seeking submissions of short stories for several anthologies that we are currently working on. Here are the guideline:

HOW TO SUBMIT: At the moment, we're only accepting submissions through our email. Please don't post us anything, as it won't reach the right people.

WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR: Stories that focus on insanity, the journey of madness, or the effects of madness on the world at large. Stories of horror, scary stories, and stories that take a humorous spin on horror. Stories inspired by H.P Lovecraft are especially welcome. Stories of cults and religious intrigue are welcome as well. In addition to stories we publish game books as well. If you have written a game supplement or have a complete game system that you would like us to consider, please send it our way.

THERE'S NO DEADLINE: Each Anthology shall have a theme but when we've finished work on each short story anthology, we move straight on to the next. So there's no need to rush: just send us your work when you feel it's ready.

INTERNATIONAL SUBMISSIONS: Although we're based in the USA, we accept submissions from authors all over the English-speaking world.

RIGHTS: We ask for one time rights and/or reprint rights to your story. We also ask for electronic rights as our anthologies shall be available to the general market in electronic format.

WORD COUNT: We prefer to see stories that are between 2,000 and about 40,000 words in length. Our absolute minimum is 2,000 words; we prefer stories that are longer than that.

PAYMENT: We pay $40-$50 for stories we publish, with the amount varying slightly according to length. Contributors get two complimentary copies.

MULTIPLE AND SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: It's fine to send us more than one story at a time. In fact, we prefer to see two. Please send each submission separately.

OUR RESPONSE TIMES: We try to respond to all submissions within 90 days.

If you submitted less than three months ago, please just sit tight and wait. Chances are that we just haven't got to your submission yet. If it was more than three months ago, first check your junk mail folder, in case our reply wound up there. If you still haven't heard from us after three months, email us. For all correspondence please include your submission code. We shall send a submission code to you upon receipt of any submissions.


For queries/ submissions:

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