6th Annual Junior Authors Short Story Writing Contest (worldwide)

07 February 2013
6th Annual Junior Authors Short Story Writing Contest (worldwide)
Deadline: 30 June 2013

The Junior Authors Short Story Writing Contest is an annual competition open to young writers ages 9 to 21 worldwide. Finalists will be announced on September 20, 2013. Winners announced LIVE at the Junior Authors Writers Conference on October 19, 2013. NOTE: If you are not able to attend the conference, don’t worry. You will still get your prize!

  • Category I Ages 18 – 21*: Top 6 writers receive Amazon gift cards (see amounts below) and a certificate of achievement. First place writer will be published on this website and be considered for paid writing opportunities with Laura Thomas Communications. Plus, a press release about your winning short story will be sent to your local community newspaper. See rules below. *You can be no more than 21 years old as of June 30, 2013.
  • Category 2 Ages 15 – 17: Top 6 writers receive Amazon gift cards (see amounts below) and a certificate of achievement. First place writer will be published on this website and be considered for paid writing opportunities with Laura Thomas Communications. Plus, a press release about your winning short story will be sent to your local community newspaper. See rules below.
  • Category 3 Ages 12 – 14: Top 6 writers receive Amazon gift cards (see amounts below) and a certificate of achievement. First place writer will be published on this website. Plus, a press release about your winning short story will be sent to your local community newspaper. See rules below.
  • Category 4 Ages 9 – 11: Top 6 writers receive Amazon gift cards (see amounts below) and a certificate of achievement. First place writer will be published on this website. Plus, a press release about your winning short story will be sent to your local community newspaper. As a bonus, Laura will help the first place winner submit his or her story for consideration to the editor of Stone Soup–The Magazine by Young Writers & Artists, one of the world’s leading literary magazines for writers under 13. See rules below.
Amazon Gift Cards for the top 6 writers in each age category will be awarded as follows:
  • 1st place – $100
  • 2nd place – $25
  • 3rd place – $25
  • 4th place – $25
  • 5th place – $25
  • 6th place – $25
  • Contest open to any student between 9 and 21 years old as of June 30, 2013. Proof of age may be required.
  • It does not matter where you call home. Entries from any country are welcome.
  • Your story can be about anything you like. Be creative and have fun.
  • Your story must be in English.
  • Maximum length is 1,000 words. Stories longer than 1,000 words (give or take a sentence) will not be judged.
  • No images, illustrations or fancy fonts. Keep it easy to read. Not sure which font to use? Try Times New Roman 12 pt.
  • Please view a sample of what the first page of your story should look like.
  • Complete the online entry form and upload your story in one of these file formats: doc, docx or pdf.
  • One story per student.
Include the following information at the top of the first page of your story:
  • Word count
  • Name
  • Age on June 30, 2013
  • Email address
  • Mailing address
  • Phone number
COPYRIGHT. If your story wins, you will keep the rights to it. We will ask you for permission to publish your story on this website for others to enjoy and learn from. However, the story remains your property and you are free to submit it elsewhere.

JUDGING. There will be three judges reading stories for each category. Each judge provides a score out of 30 for a total of 90 potential points for each story. Each story is judged on: story structure, description, style, and unity.

FEEDBACK. The contest is free to enter, but for an optional $10 Canadian Dollars, you can receive a feedback package after the contest winners are announced. The package will contain your score broken down into the four criteria, along with some suggestions for improvement from Laura. Stories may be worked on and resubmitted in 2014. There is a place on the entry form where you can indicate whether or not you would like this extra service.

NOTE: Your story must be in doc, docx or pdf format.

If you have questions about the rules or entry form, please make a comment here and Laura will respond as soon as she can with an answer. To view a sample of how to format your story, please click here.

SOMETHING TO ASPIRE TO… By definition a short story has four basic elements: plot, character, setting, and theme. It deals with one situation or single episode which concentrates on one critical moment or emotional crisis, and is limited to one time and place. All the elements are directed towards a single effect which produces a unity of impression.


For queries: via the comment box here

For submissions: via the online submission website

Website: http://jrauthorscontest.com/
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