Call for Submissions: Women of Color and Gender Equity (special Issue of Frontiers Journal)

28 January 2013
Call for Submissions: Women of Color and Gender Equity (special Issue of Frontiers Journal)
Deadline: 15 May 2013

Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies invites submissions for a special issue on women of color and gender equity. Due date for receipt of papers is 5/15/2013.

With this special issue, we commemorate the 40th anniversary of the 1974 Women’s Educational Equity Act, which provided funds for Title IX and codified women’s equality under the law in the U.S. setting forth a foundation for anti-discrimination policies and remedies as well as cultivating a language for gender equity. For this issue, we will explore the nexus between the enactment of gender equity policies, rhetorical /discursive and political strategies for empowerment, and the lives of women of color.

We encourage submissions that explore feminist commitments to the socio-political understandings of equality under the law but also conceptualize equity issues in broad terms. For example, we are interested in analyses of gender equity that both expand and challenge notions of women’s equality in formal and informal politics across educational, political and legal institutions.

We especially encourage submissions that further the journal's commitment to scholarship on women of color, third world, transnational, LGBT, and queer movements in local, national, or transnational contexts. Foremost, we are interested in those papers that situate women as racialized, classed and/or sexualized subjects, and explore the collateral effects of their experiences with equality, inequality and the varied socio-political roads necessary to attempt to realize and/or preserve that equity.

The guest editors for this issue are Anita Tijerina Revilla (Women’s Studies, University of Nevada, Las Vegas) and Wendy G. Smooth (Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University).

An inter- and multidisciplinary journal, Frontiers publishes scholarly, creative, and practitioner works that draw on the legacies of women of color and queer women’s political engagement and activism to interrogate women’s equity across issues including education, employment and labor, healthcare and wellness, and immigration/migration. Works must be original, and not published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.

All special issue submissions and questions should be directed to For submission guidelines, please consult the Ohio State University Frontiers websites:


All submissions must conform to the following guidelines:
  • Works must be original, not previously published in whole or in part (whether online or in print), and not in any version under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Contact information, including the author's name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number, should be listed on a separate sheet. When emailing your submission, include this cover sheet as a separate file.
  • We request that you both email your submission and send a hard copy.
  • All permissions to use lengthy quotations or images that are not original with the author are the responsibility of the author.
Submissions are judged by appropriate members of the Editorial Staff and outside readers, a process that may take up to six months. Authors wishing their works returned to them should include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with their submission. If a work is accepted for publication, we reserve the right to edit it, in consultation with the author, in accordance with our space limitations and editorial guidelines. Contributors will receive two copies of the issue in which their work appears. Copyright for published material belongs to Frontiers, Inc. Permission to republish material printed in Frontiers must be obtained from the press. Please visit the permission to reprint page on the University of Nebraska Press website for more information.

  • Articles and literary works must be word-processed, double-spaced (including endnotes), unstapled, and accompanied by a title page. The author's name should appear only on the title page of the work.
  • Citations should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, with "humanities style" endnotes. Source information is provided only through numbered endnotes. This information is not given in parentheses or in a bibliography.
  • Manuscripts, including endnotes, should not exceed 14,000 words.
  • Authors must submit one hard copy of their work, as well as an electronic version in Word, WordPerfect, or rich text format, which may be submitted either as an e-mail attachment or on a disk. Include a cover sheet as a separate file.
  • One set of visual materials is sufficient for submissions of illustrations. Illustrations should not be submitted as embedded digital images.

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