Call for Papers: Arabic and Islamic Studies (KFLC Languages, Literatures and Cultures Conference, Kentucky)

09 October 2012
Call for Papers: Arabic and Islamic Studies (KFLC Languages, Literatures and Cultures Conference, Kentucky)
Deadline: 15 November 2012

The KFLC (formerly the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference) is proud to open sessions devoted to the presentation of scholarly research in the area of Arabic and Islamic Studies. Abstracts are invited in all areas and aspects of this field, including, but not limited to:
  • Arabic Language
  • Arabic Literature and Film
  • Islamic Studies
  • Muslim World Cultural Studies
Sessions are 20 minutes followed by a 10-minute question & answer session. In addition to individual abstracts for paper presentations, proposals for panels of 4-5 papers will be considered.

The KFLC has a tradition of attracting scholars from a broad range of languages and specializations. This year’s conference will have sessions in Arabic Studies, East Asian Studies, French and Francophone Studies, German-Austrian-Swiss Studies, Hispanic Linguistics, Hispanic Studies (Spanish Peninsular and Spanish American), Neo-Latin Studies, Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies, Language Technology, Second Language Acquisition, and Translation Studies.

Individually submitted abstracts should be no more than 250 words and should include author's name, affiliation and contact information.

Panel proposals of 4-5 presentations should be submitted as follows: The panel organizer should e-mail a panel proposal to the track director of his or her division. The panel proposal cannot exceed one page in length and should include the theme of the panel, the organizer's name and contact information, and the names, contact information and affiliations of the panel participants. Each participant MUST submit an individual abstract using our online system in addition to the panel proposal. Please indicate that your presentation is part of a pre-organized panel and list the title and organizer of the panel in the abstract.

Papers may be read in English or Arabic. Acceptance of a paper or complete panel implies a commitment on the part of all participants to register and attend the conference. All presenters must pay the appropriate registration fee by February 15, 2013 to be included in the program.


For submissions: via the abstract submission form

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