Welcomes Worldwide Submissions: Per Contra International Journal of the Arts, Literature and Ideas

12 September 2012
Welcomes Worldwide Submissions: Per Contra International Journal of the Arts, Literature and Ideas
Deadline: 15 October 2012

Per Contra began publication as an online quarterly in the fall of 2005. Our name indicates our intention to offer more than one way of looking at the world.

You can find contrast in our range of content: literary fiction, poetry (both free verse and formalist), original and in translation,* interviews with authors and with artists, creative non-fiction, essays, and book reviews. Additionally we include articles about art and literature that one might expect to find only in scholarly journals because we believe that by publishing them in this context they will be available to a wide audience.

GUIDELINES FOR SHORT FICTION SUBMISSION: We publish literary fiction (read several of our stories before sending us your work).

LENGTH: Per Contra accepts submissions of short fiction up to 3000 words. We publish both flash fiction and short stories.

NUMBER OF STORIES TO SUBMIT: Submit only one work at a time (i.e., one flash or one short story). Do not submit another work until you have received a response from us on your previous submission.

FORMAT OF SUBJECT LINE: In the subject line write in caps - FICTION: YOUR NAME: TITLE OF STORY

FORMAT OF STORY: Paste the story into the body of the email as well as sending it as an attachment in .doc, .rtf, or .txt format. Please double space the story in the attachment. On the attachment, make sure you include your name and your email address as well as the title of the story and the word count.

  • Your Name
  • Your Email
  • Title of the Story
  • Number of Words
  • A brief bio (200 words or less)
  • Your Story
ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED FICTION IN ENGLISH: We publish only work that has not been published before, either online or in print.
  • Yes to Work on Password Protected Sites: Material work shopped and posted in password protected sites are not considered to have been published.
  • No to Work Previously Posted on Blogs: Works posted on your own blog or on someone else’s blog may not be submitted: we consider them to have been published.
  • About Translations: Although we publish translations, at this time we can accept only original fiction in English as submissions. Do not send translations or fan fiction.
POLICY ON SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: If this is a simultaneous submission, please let us know right away when/if it is accepted elsewhere. You do not have to identify it as a simultaneous submission, just let us know immediately if you have to remove it from consideration. When you let us know include in the subject line: FICTION WITHDRAWAL: YOUR NAME: TITLE OF STORY

POLICY ON EDITING: We may ask for some edits in stories we would like to publish.
We regret that we cannot comment on all stories.

WHAT WE PURCHASE: We purchase first rights (that is, we do not accept previously published work), right to archive, right to broadcast and to reprint in an anthology. You retain copyright, and we ask that you acknowledge Per Contra if you reprint the work. We are a paying market.

  • Now open April 15 through October 15.
  • Closed October 16 through April 14.
CLOSED TO SUBMISSIONS OF UNSOLICITED POETRY: At this time we are not accepting unsolicited poetry. We will post a notice here should this policy change.


For queries/ submissions: percontrafiction@yahoo.com

Website: http://www.percontra.net/
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