Welcomes International Submissions: Nassau Review 2012-2013 Issue (works received are eligible for the $250 Writer Awards)

20 September 2012
Welcomes International Submissions: Nassau Review 2012-2013 Issue (works received are eligible for the $250 Writer Awards)
Deadline: 20 December 2012

Nassau Review believes in supporting the artistic community and promoting good writing locally, nationally, and internationally. We welcome submissions of many genres, preferring work that is innovative, captivating, well-crafted, and unique, work that crosses boundaries of genres and tradition. You may be serious. You may be humorous. You may be somewhere in between. We are looking simply for quality. New writers and seasoned writers are both welcome. All work must be in English.

ALL work submitted will be under consideration for the Writer Awards. You do not have to send any separate submissions for the contest. Every period will offer $250 for prose and $250 for poetry.

Do not submit any work via email or snail mail.

The THEME for the submission period of 2012-2013 is Ekphrasis. Ekphrasis here means any work about, influenced by, or containing allusions to any other type of art or literature. The subject or allusions can be about anything in the artistic and creative world: dance, drama, literature, music, painting, photography, sculpture.


Include a cover letter in the box for Bio/Cover letter in the Submishmash system that includes how you heard about The Nassau Review, a bio of 100 words max, and links to your blogs or websites.

  • Send one (1) prose piece from 100 to 3000 words
  • Acceptable Categories: short story, flash fiction
  • Doc or docx - file name LastNameProseTitle
  • Send one (1) prose piece from 100 to 3000 words
  • ONLY Creative non-fiction
  • Doc or docx file with the file name: LastNameProseTitle
Critical Prose: By solicitation only

  • Send three to five (3—5) pieces with a 50 line maximum, single space
  • Acceptable Categories: form, prose poems, free verse, lists, song lyrics, writing that doesn’t quite fit any genre but you know it’s something
  • Doc or docx-LastName [number of] POEMS. Include all your poems in ONE file with page breaks between each.
  • Send three to five (3-5) pieces
  • Acceptable Categories: drawings, photographs, diagrams
  • Doc or docx - LastNameProseTitle. You will have to submit them separately, which is fine for this category only.

For queries: nassaureview@ncc.edu

For submissions: via submittable

Website: http://www.ncc.edu/nassau_review
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