Open to Writers of any Nationality: Flying Elephants Short Story Prize ($2,000 top prize | worldwide)

22 September 2012
Open to Writers of any Nationality: Flying Elephants Short Story Prize ($2,000 top prize | worldwide)
Deadline: 16 November 2012 (11:59pm EST)

AndWeWereHungry is delighted to announce the Flying Elephants International Short Story Prize in honor of its inaugural issue. The Elephant Prize is sponsored by Gregory Colbert. Please read carefully—entries not conforming to the terms and conditions will not be judged. Submission of an entry is taken as acceptance of all the terms and conditions of entry.


AndWeWereHungry‘s inaugural short story competition is open to entrants 18 years or older, of any nationality and from around the world, so long as you are writing in English and have not previously published a novel or collection of short stories.

The Flying Elephants Prize is not open to anyone connected to AndWeWereHungry and/or Ashes and Snow either as a colleague, relative or friend. Additionally, entrants who have a strong professional or close personal relationship with AndWeWereHungry‘s editorial staff are asked to abstain from entering the contest in order to prevent even the appearance of a conflict of interest. If you are wondering whether you have a “strong” or “close” relationship with the editorial staff, you probably do.

CLOSING DATE: Friday November 16, 2012 11:59pm EST. (We reserve the right, however, to change deadlines and other dates without notice for any legitimate reason provided that we post so here on our website.)

  • Short story submissions that connect, however loosely, to our inaugural theme are automatically entered to the competition free of charge. We kindly request that if you have a blog or a website, to please share a link to the competition on your site.
  • Your entry must be submitted through our third-party online submission manager before the announced deadline. Entries submitted in any other form will not be submitted. Entrants must provide their name, email address, telephone number and postal address on the initial submission manager form. For more on our online submission process, formatting and general submission guidelines please click here.
  • We will acknowledge receipt of your entry by email. If you do not receive such an email from us within seven days of your submission, your entry has not been received and you should try again. We cannot take responsibility for entries lost in cyberspace, so if you encounter problems, please send us an email in a timely manner.
  • No more then one work per entrant may be submitted. If more than one story is submitted, only the first will be considered. And while simultaneous submissions are generally acceptable, they are ineligible for consideration of the top three cash prizes.
  • By submitting an entry, you warrant that the entry is entirely your own original composition that does not infringe any law or regulation or third party right including, but not limited to, the law of copyright, trademark, libel or defamation. Any entries found to be infringing on the rights of any third-party will be removed. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
  • By submitting an entry, you attest that the entry has never been previously published or broadcast in any form, including print, eBook or online publication. You may, however, enter work you have already published on your personal blog. Please do not send work that has won a prize elsewhere (e.g., a winner, finalist, or honorable mention) or is currently under consideration in another writing competition.
  • Your entry cannot be altered once its been submitted. If you wish to withdraw your entry, please do so via our online submission manager as soon as possible. AndWeWereHungry will not enter into any correspondence about entries or results, and cannot offer any feedback on individual entries.
  • PRIZE: First Prize $2,000 Second Prize; $1,000; Third Prize $750; Fourth Prize $500 Fifth Prize $500; Sixth Prize $250]
  • We have no words limit, but we expect the sweet spot to be between 3,000 and 6,000 words.
  • The general theme, or creative prompt, for our inaugural issue asks entrants to consider the name of our publication itself AndWeWereHungry and expand reflection on the observation that “It’s Lack That Gives Us Inspiration.”
  • We welcome all entries that address our theme in general, but only entries that deal with the theme “AndWeWereHungry for Nature,” may stand for the top two cash prizes. Your work must connect the general theme of the inaugural issue with that of a hunger for nature as we described here.
  • Prizes will go to those writers whose short fiction shows the greatest originality, power to move and mastery of the short story, while presenting us with something new to consider.
  • Entries will be judge anonymously; in other words, the names of the author will not be made available to either the initial readers, our editorial team or the judge(s). We thus ask that you do not include your name or any personal information on any page of your entry. (Personal information shall be separately entered on our third-party submission manager and all entries shall be given a unique anonymous tracking number.) No cover letter is needed.
  • AndWeWereHungry‘s andeditorial team will blind-select a longlist of finalists from among the universe of relevant entries. The editor will then forward the longlist to the named Judge(s) for prize selection. In the unlikely event that we simply don’t receive a sufficient number of entries of reasonable quality for a longlist and thus provide a reasonable and fair basis for judging the Prize, we reserve the right to cancel the competition, in which case no prizes will be awarded.
  • The Judge(s) will blind-select from the longlist five winning entries and 12 shortlist entries. The decision of the judge(s) is final. And neither discussion nor correspondence concerning any decision will be entered into once work has been submitted. The judge(s) reserves the option to declare ties and to designate and award only as many winners and/or finalists as are appropriate to the quality of contest entries and of the work we which to represent in the magazine.
  • The cash-prize winners and shortlist selections will be notified by email. If we are unable to contact a shortlisted entrant despite making reasonable attempts to do so, the Judge(s) will be entitled to shortlist another entry. Failure to respond such reasonable efforts within a two-week period will result in the forfeiture of the award. In such event, we shall not be held liable for any loss or damage arising out such an entrant’s enjoyment of the prize.
  • The winning entrants will be published in our inaugural Winter 2013 issue, and prominently featured on our website for three months [and the winning author’s name and short story title will also be announced on Ashes and Snow's website].
  • The cash prize is nonnegotiable, and will be paid to the winners by check. No alternative prize or payment method will be offered.
  • You retain worldwide copyright on your work (including film and dramatic rights).By submitting an entry, however, you acknowledge and agree that you will be deemed to have granted AndWeWereHungry, and its affiliates, licensees, successors and assigns:
  • The non-exclusive rights for publication and distribution of your entry online on our website, digitally and in any publications we may produce, at our discretion, in the future (including as part of an anthology—print, eBook—downloadable single story format, audiobook, podcast, mobile device application, or in any other present of future form of publication). The rights for publication will be non-exclusive and will not bar you from publishing the work elsewhere. We ask only that you acknowledge that we published it first and, without prejudice to the terms here, grant AndWeWereHungry a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free license to permanently archive the winning entries and runner-ups and to permanently publish the first three paragraphs of such entries on AndWeWereHungry‘s and website
  • The right to clearly identify you as the author of any work we publish online or in any other potential publications and you attest that you agree to this publicity. You have the option, however, of using a pseudonym if you wish.
  • The right to produce an anthology (print or eBook) of the inaugural issue and winning entries and you will not be entitled to royalties from any commercial sale of the anthology, but license us to use your work in this commercial manner. All entrants whose work is published in the anthology shall will receive a copy, but profits from any sale of the anthology will go back into the administration of the AndWeWereHungry, and website and subsequent creative competitions.
  • A worldwide sub-licensable, perpetual, transferable, non-exclusive royalty-free license to use in any way whatsoever including but not limited to, public performance, public display, publishing, reproduction, broadcasting, amendment or modification of the entry or any part of the entry on and through the website or any website associated with AndWeWereHungry,and in its different present and future forms (e.g., magazine print, audiobook, podcast, audio download, electronic databases, eBook, mobile device application, electronic media or website including mobile form or any other facsimile or derivative versions in any medium).
  • By submitting an entry and entering the competition, you agree to accept these rules in full, all of our terms and conditions, and general submission guidelines. We reserve the right to adjust these rules without notice, but any such changes shall be posted here on our website.

AndWeWereHungry, and the Flying Elephants Prize vow to conduct this inaugural [short story] competition as ethically possible. As such we subscribe to the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP) Contest Code of Ethics.

CLMP Code of Ethics: CLMP’s community of independent literary publishers believes that ethical contests serve our shared goal: to connect writers and readers by publishing exceptional writing. Intent to act ethically, clarity of guidelines, and transparency of process form the foundation of an ethical contest. To that end, we agree (1) to conduct our contests as ethically as possible and to address any unethical behavior on the part of our readers, judges, or editors; (2) to provide clear and specific contest guidelines defining conflict of interest for all parties involved; and (3) to make the mechanics of our selection process available to the public. This Code recognizes that different contest models produce different results, but that each model can be run ethically. We have adopted this Code to reinforce our integrity and dedication as a publishing community and to ensure that our contests contribute to a vibrant literary heritage.


For queries:

For submissions: via submittable

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