NLUD Education Day Essay Competition 2012 (Rs. 5,000 top prize | India)

07 September 2012
NLUD Education Day Essay Competition 2012 (Rs. 5,000 top prize | India)
Deadline: 11 November 2012 (10 am IST)

The Legal Services Committee, National Law University, Delhi announces the launch of the Third Annual NLUD Education Day Essay Competition. MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was an Indian scholar and a senior political leader of the Indian independence movement. Following India’s independence he became the first Minister of Education in Indian Government. The vision that Mualana Azad set out for education was that of universal education of basic pattern for all children of school going age, followed by a diversified secondary education. His birthday, November 11th is celebrated as National Education Day.

NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, DELHI: The National Law University, Delhi (NLUD), has been established with a mandate to transform and redefine the process of legal education, and to create a sui generis legal education system that is able to chisel a new generation of lawyers that are able, competent and humane, and who would permeate into the structure of legal system of this country and the world, to meet the challenges of ever-evolving human society


“I am convinced that the development of a culture of human rights throughout the world is one of the most important contributions that can be made to future generations. The foundation for this culture is enshrined in the principles of the Universal Declaration. A culture of human rights would result in a profound change in how individuals, communities, states and the international community view relationships in all matters. Such a culture would make human rights as much a part of the lives of individuals as are language, customs, the arts, faith and ties to place. In this culture, human rights would not be seen as the job of 'someone else,' but the obligation and duty of all.” - José Ayala Lasso, the first United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

  • The competition shall be open to all undergraduate and graduate students studying in recognised Universities/ Colleges/ Departments.
  • Each participant shall be permitted to submit only one, individual entry. Joint entries shall not be permitted.
  • The submitted essay must be an original, unpublished and undistributed work authored by the participant submitting it.
  • Participants shall structure their entries to include the following:
  • Cover sheet (this should include (a) the name of the Participant; (b) contact address, e-mail address and contact telephone number; (c) name and address of his/her University; and (d) his/her academic year - none of this information should appear anywhere else in the essay). The title of the Essay should also be included on the first text page.
  • All entries will follow the following guidelines:
  • The word limit would be 5,000 words including footnotes. Substantive footnoting is not permitted.
  • The footnotes would conform to the Bluebook (19th ed.).
  • The main text of body would be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and line spacing 1.5.
  • The footnotes would be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and line spacing 1.5.
  • The entry shall be typewritten on A4 Paper.
  • A margin of 1" (one inch) or 2.54 cm shall be left on all four sides.
  • Each entry shall be submitted in electronic form in .docx (Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010) format.
  • Submissions are to be sent via e-mail.
JUDGING: The panel of Judges for evaluation of entries submitted by participants shall consist of three members.

  • There would be 3 cash prizes of Rs. 5,000/-, Rs. 3,000/- and Rs. 2,000/- for the best three essays.
  • The winning essays will also be considered for publication in the next issue of NSLJ (NLUD Student Law Journal) in accordance with the Editorial Policy of the journal.
  • Certificate of Merit may be awarded to select essays apart from the top three essays which receive the commendation from the panel of Judges.
  • All the participants shall be given certificates of participation.

For queries: or

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