Deadline: 30 September 2012
The 2012 BLush Anthology is a fan anthology dedicated to original and fandom BL stories, comics, illustrations, and essays. We hope to provide an avenue for creative individuals who would like to have a space for their BL fantasies and opinions. We are encouraging writers, illustrators, and comic artists who are interested in this genre to contribute to our BL fanthology. Selected submissions to this fanthology will be published in the BLush website as well as the BLush Convention’s printed ‘mook’ compilation.
The BLush Anthology is a non-profit project of the BLush Convention. This is an independent and amateur publication. The convention and its organizers will hold no claim to any work submitted in our fanthology. You own it, not us. At most we would like to have the privilege of putting your story first in public. We’re more than happy to print your work and we hope you don’t mind sharing them to the world for free.

The theme for the 2012 BLush Anthology is “First Love” — a celebration of all those wonderful romances that started in a heartbeat.
We all have heard or read different stories of how people fell in love for the first time. In this anthology, we would like to see how you envision two boys (or men) falling in love for the first time. You’ll never know… it could be the greatest love story of all.
We won’t limit you on how you wish to exploit this theme. If you want it on a bus, a train, maybe in a gentleman’s club, or a private alleyway, go ahead and write it. They could be high school kids, experimental hippies, divorcees, consulting detectives, it’s your call. We leave everything to your imagination!
For queries/ submissions:
The 2012 BLush Anthology is a fan anthology dedicated to original and fandom BL stories, comics, illustrations, and essays. We hope to provide an avenue for creative individuals who would like to have a space for their BL fantasies and opinions. We are encouraging writers, illustrators, and comic artists who are interested in this genre to contribute to our BL fanthology. Selected submissions to this fanthology will be published in the BLush website as well as the BLush Convention’s printed ‘mook’ compilation.
The BLush Anthology is a non-profit project of the BLush Convention. This is an independent and amateur publication. The convention and its organizers will hold no claim to any work submitted in our fanthology. You own it, not us. At most we would like to have the privilege of putting your story first in public. We’re more than happy to print your work and we hope you don’t mind sharing them to the world for free.

The theme for the 2012 BLush Anthology is “First Love” — a celebration of all those wonderful romances that started in a heartbeat.
We all have heard or read different stories of how people fell in love for the first time. In this anthology, we would like to see how you envision two boys (or men) falling in love for the first time. You’ll never know… it could be the greatest love story of all.
We won’t limit you on how you wish to exploit this theme. If you want it on a bus, a train, maybe in a gentleman’s club, or a private alleyway, go ahead and write it. They could be high school kids, experimental hippies, divorcees, consulting detectives, it’s your call. We leave everything to your imagination!
- All works must be submitted to us digitally.
- All works must not be more than 10 B5 book spread pages (details will be discussed in the individual sections).
- All submitted works will still go through an editorial process. Not all stories will be printed.
- You may submit with your real name, online pseudonym, writing pseudonym, doujin circle, you call it.
- Selected stories, comics, and illustrations will be asked to sign a conforme granting BLush to publish your story first and that BLush has no ownership of said work.
- Works must be submitted by September 30, 2012. Announcement for our selection will be made by October 5, 2012. Selected Stories and comics will still go through an editorial process, just for some minor layouting details.
- All submissions must be in digital format. Submit all your submissions by e-mail with the e-mail title/subject [blush fanthology submission - type of submission] The types of fanworks are as follows: Fiction, Comic, Essays, and Illustration
- Any submission that does not follow the rules specified will not be eligible for the fanthology.
- Submitted works should be unpublished original fiction or fan fiction. We’re hoping to receive fresh stories from our writers. We’re giving you enough time to tickle your imagination so that you can share fresh and new material to our readers. We will let your imagination run free. If you want them to be on the moon or deep in the Amazon, you are more than welcome to write it. We wish to see your originality and creativity! However, we cannot allow stories that directly speculate the lives of present living public figures. In short, the anthology won’t entertain RPS (Real Person Slash)!
- The editorial board will not tolerate any form of plaigiarism. If your submission was directly lifted off somebody else’s work, then we reserve the right to deny your submission. If you used a famous quote in your work, do leave a proper citation. We won’t condone you if another work of fiction inspired you.
- Submitted stories should stand alone. We want one shot stories. We want stories that can be read independently without having to refer to a previous story that you have written. If you want it a cliffhanger, fine. But if you want to link it to a story that you’re writing… no.
- Submitted stories should contain BL.
- Stories can contain er0tic content, but it doesn’t have to be explicit. We understand that sometimes love can be expressed in many ways. We leave it to you, the author, to tell us how you imagine our theme with or without the sex.
- Stories must be less than 5000 words but more than 500.
- Stories submitted should be in English. We’re hoping to reach as much fans as possible, so please submit your work in English.
- Stories should have passed through some beta-reading (especially for grammar). The editorial board does not have time to check your stories for grammar, so please have your work checked for grammar and all that before submitting to us.
- Submissions should be in Word/Google Docs format. We will not accept any other format apart from these two.
- Comics should be prepared for black and white printing. We appreciate that you would love to color your comic; however, due to logistics constraints we can only publish works in black and white. Please be prepared to have your comic printed in gray-scale, and still look great.
- Submitted comics can be in a comic strip, 4-panel (yonkoma) or long comic format. Long comic format is your regular comic really. For comic strips and yonkoma, we will allow 1 – 6 strips.
- All comics must be submitted within the regulations of a B5 book spread format, preferably at 600 dpi. Minimum dpi is at 300. We’re printing the comics in a B5 book spread format, this means it’s around 25 cm (9.8 in) width and 17.6 cm (6.93) height. This means that a page is 12.5 cm (4.9 in) width and 17.6 cm (6.93 in) height. Thus, you should consider your comic to be resized to this size. If you’re illustrating for a full spread, do consider that we might have to cut your image in half. Leave allocation for inside gutters and such for printing.
- Comics must be self-contained. Your comics should be a one-shot story with no need for the readers to relate it to a previous work.
- Comics should be unpublished original work or fan doujinshi. We want original, fresh comics that hasn’t been seen before by the public. We leave it to your imagination and talent to illustrate this. However, we will not accept any comic plaigirism. This means that you copy and pasted the comic from another person and passed it off as yours. We also don’t accept works that may have been translated from a pixiv account. Think original!
- Up to 20 pages (10 spreads) will be allocated for each comic. You can submit 1 or 20 pages for your comic.
- All digital raw files must be submitted to BLush. To make printing easier, fonts and the images that were used in the comic must be submitted to us in PDF format and a PSD format. We won’t edit your work but the layout artist should have a file that she can adjust for printing. Please be open to have some adjustments made to your comic for printing.
- Comics submitted should be in English. We’re hoping to reach as much fans as possible, so please submit your work in English.
- Comics submitted should have gone through some beta-reading (especially for grammar). The editorial board will not have time to check stories for grammar and illustration style. So do have your work checked before submitting it to us.
- Essays must be original and first published in the fanthology.
- Essays must explore the given theme of the anthology. We reserve the right to essayists on how they wish to explore this theme. This may either be on how they fell in love with BL, the kind of first love stories that they enjoy, the kind of characters that make you fall in love like it’s the first time, or even the fandom that corrupted you into the BL path.
- Submitted essays must be within 500 – 2000 words.
- Essays submitted should be in English. We’re hoping to reach as much fans as possible, so please submit your work in English.
- Essays should have gone through some beta-reading (especially for grammar). We won’t have time to check your essays for grammar and style, so please have it checked before submitting to us.
- Reference images for published comics will not be accepted. However, if you wish to draw and illustrate something and put it in your essay as part of the commentary, then feel free to include it in your essay and submit the file to us as well. Do note that for such illustrations, it has to be your work or an illustration that you asked permission for. We won’t allow you to put an illustration that was drawn by another person and was placed in the essay without permission.
- Submissions must be Word/Google doc Format. This’ll make things easier for us when layouting for print. We will not accept any other format apart from these two.
- Illustrations must be unpublished original art or doujin illustration.
- Illustrations may be independent of stories, comics, or essays within the anthology. If you wish to collaborate with a friend who will submit an essay or a story to the athology, then you are more than welcome to illustrate for her. However, you are not obligated to do so and may just draw an illustration independent of the stories or essays that may be written for the anthology.
- Illustrations must be self-contained. This means that your work is not part of a series of illustrations or images outside of the anthology.
- Illustrations must be within the regulations of a B5 book spread format, preferably at 600 dpi. Minimum dpi is at 300. Be mindful of print gutters. When submitting your illustration to us, please indicate whether your work has allocated inside gutters and can be bled until the end of the page or if you’re willing to have a portion of your art to be resized for print. We want to respect your art by giving you the liberty to instruct us how you wish to present it.
- Illustrations can be made for 1/4, 1/2, or full page. We’re allowing independent and small illustrations that may be used as supplementary design elements for essays that may be published in the comic. Please indicate if you wish your illustration to be 1/4, 1/2, or full-sized.
- Keep in mind that your illustration may be printed in gray scale. Only the cover illustration will be printed in color, so please consider a design that will als0 look good printed in grayscale.
For queries/ submissions: