Call for Submissions from Writers Across Bangalore: PageTurners Bookstore (India)

14 September 2012
Call for Submissions from Writers Across Bangalore: PageTurners Bookstore (India)
Deadline: 5 October 2012

PageTurners is putting together a charity anthology. They will be taking submissions from writers across Bangalore and England (short stories, poems and flash fiction) that are on the topic of either interacting with your home or your attitude or experiences of the other culture. The anthology will be published by PageTurners and sold in-store with proceeds being donated to PageTurners charity of choice: the GoSport Foundation. They will also be hosting meetings for any of you who want feedback and the opportunity to discuss. If you are interested in that please email the same address.

  • Short stories: 1,500 words or 2x A4 pages max
  • Flash Fiction: 250 words max
  • Poems: Within Reasonable length
The anthology is centered around giving some insight into either experiences of or attitudes towards a culture you live in or one you have visited and had contact with.

The submission deadline is the first week of October, however early-senders will have the opportunity to have their work sent back with comments which may give the edge when pieces are being selected for the anthology


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