Whistle Press, a start-up publishing company, in collaboration with www.mutiny.in, India’s thought terminus, is proud to present ‘The Whistle Press Poetry Contest’.

For queries/ submissions: whistlepress@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/WhistlePress
- The poems can be in any genre, of any length and of any style.
- The poems have to be original and should not have been published anywhere else, even if by the same poet.
- Only one entry per person is entertained. Proxy poems will be disqualified.
- The organisers reserve the right to disqualify an entry without providing a reason.
- The participants should be citizens of India.
- There is no age limit.
- Poets whose poems are selected should mandatorily co-operate fully in the marketing and publicity of the book.
- The decision of the judges are final and binding.
- The organisers may change the rules at any point of time

For queries/ submissions: whistlepress@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/WhistlePress