Support for Journalists to Report on Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Beijing (for journalists from low/ middle-income countries)

29 August 2012
Support for Journalists to Report on Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Beijing (for journalists from low/ middle-income countries)
Deadline: 31 August 2012

The Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research announces the launch of applications from journalists from low- and middle-income countries in need of financial support to be able to report on the Symposium in Beijing (31 October to 3 November 2012).

To be eligible for support, applicants must:
  • Be a journalist (any medium) from a low- or middle-income country
  • Be able to demonstrate passion and commitment to reporting on issues around health systems research, supported by three examples of published work
  • Be free to travel to Beijing, China to arrive no later than 31 October 2012 and leave no later than 10 November 2012
  • Have proven support from an editor, producer or supervisor
  • Be willing to publish at a minimum one introductory piece before the Symposium, at least one during and one after the Symposium and to provide copies for posting on the Symposium website.
Criteria for evaluating applicants will include:
  • Journalists' demonstrated interest in issues around health, health research and health systems research for the benefit of all
  • Their audience
  • The opportunity for journalists who would not otherwise have a chance to cover such events
  • Coverage, through this support, of all world regions.
The Second Global Symposium currently has very limited funding to support journalists but is seeking, with partners, to find additional financing. Applicants should submit an application here by 31 August at the latest. Results will be announced by mid-September so that logistical arrangements can be finalized (visas, travel and preliminary reporting).

Please return the application form by email to Susan Jupp.

Download: application form


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