Deadline: 15 September 2012
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was a great national leader of twentieth century. He was an intellectual, scholar and statesman and contributed greatly in the nation building. He led number of movements to emancipate the downtrodden masses and to secure human rights to millions of depressed classes. He has left an indelible imprint through his immense contribution in framing the Constitution of free India. He stands as a symbol of struggle for achieving the Social Justice.
Dr. Ambedkar Foundation (DAF) was set up in pursuance of the recommendations of Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Centenary Celebrations Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of the then Prime Minister. The Foundation was registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 on 24th March, 1992 under the aegis of the Ministry of Welfare now the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.
The objectives of DAF inter alia provide for financial aid to the institutions propagating Babasaheb’s memory, organize special campaign for removal of untouchability and caste based prejudices for brining an attitudinal change in the society through communal harmony and brotherhood and to organize lectures, seminars and symposia etc. on socio-economic issues.
Nation is taking rapid strides toward its rightful place at the top as a super power. A society based on social justice and equity gives permanency to such great achievements. An informed youth would not only carry the country’s advancement forward but also take it to still higher levels.
The aim of the Dr. Ambedkar Foundation National Essay Competition is to encourage writing on social issues, among the Students of Schools / Colleges / Universities / Institutions and arouse their interest in Dr. Ambedkar’s thoughts on fundamental social issues like social justice, removal of untouchability, caste based prejudices, removal of inequality and discrimination, social democracy, national integration, communal harmony etc. The students are expected to analyze and suggest ways and means to establish a stronger social democracy and a just society.
Dr. Ambedkar Foundation National Essay Competition for students of recognized Schools / Colleges / Universities / Institutions shall be held every year.
Dr. Ambedkar Foundation National Essay Competition is for Students of recognized
The topics of Essay shall be selected every year from the themes based on Dr. Ambedkar’s thoughts on social justice, removal of inequality and discrimination, ameliorating the conditions of weaker sections of the society, removal of untouchability, caste based prejudices, disparities, equality of opportunity, social democracy etc.
The essays may be written in Hindi and English.

A full list of winners would be placed on the websites of the Foundation. Winners may be invited to Delhi for felicitation in a befitting manner.
The Scheme would be funded from the interest earned on the invested corpus fund of Dr. Ambedkar Foundation.

Download: entry form
For submissions: The Chair Professor, Dr. Ambedkar Chair of Legal Studies and Research, Department of Law, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh - 202002, Utar Pradesh
Website: Dr. Ambedkar Foundation National Essay Competition
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was a great national leader of twentieth century. He was an intellectual, scholar and statesman and contributed greatly in the nation building. He led number of movements to emancipate the downtrodden masses and to secure human rights to millions of depressed classes. He has left an indelible imprint through his immense contribution in framing the Constitution of free India. He stands as a symbol of struggle for achieving the Social Justice.
Dr. Ambedkar Foundation (DAF) was set up in pursuance of the recommendations of Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Centenary Celebrations Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of the then Prime Minister. The Foundation was registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 on 24th March, 1992 under the aegis of the Ministry of Welfare now the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.
The objectives of DAF inter alia provide for financial aid to the institutions propagating Babasaheb’s memory, organize special campaign for removal of untouchability and caste based prejudices for brining an attitudinal change in the society through communal harmony and brotherhood and to organize lectures, seminars and symposia etc. on socio-economic issues.
Nation is taking rapid strides toward its rightful place at the top as a super power. A society based on social justice and equity gives permanency to such great achievements. An informed youth would not only carry the country’s advancement forward but also take it to still higher levels.
The aim of the Dr. Ambedkar Foundation National Essay Competition is to encourage writing on social issues, among the Students of Schools / Colleges / Universities / Institutions and arouse their interest in Dr. Ambedkar’s thoughts on fundamental social issues like social justice, removal of untouchability, caste based prejudices, removal of inequality and discrimination, social democracy, national integration, communal harmony etc. The students are expected to analyze and suggest ways and means to establish a stronger social democracy and a just society.
Dr. Ambedkar Foundation National Essay Competition for students of recognized Schools / Colleges / Universities / Institutions shall be held every year.
Dr. Ambedkar Foundation National Essay Competition is for Students of recognized
- Schools (Secondary & Senior Secondary Schools i.e. from class 9th to class 12th ), and
- Colleges / Universities / Institutions.
The topics of Essay shall be selected every year from the themes based on Dr. Ambedkar’s thoughts on social justice, removal of inequality and discrimination, ameliorating the conditions of weaker sections of the society, removal of untouchability, caste based prejudices, disparities, equality of opportunity, social democracy etc.
The essays may be written in Hindi and English.

- An advertisement in this regard would be published in major national newspapers.
- The advertisement will be placed on the Website of Dr. Ambedkar Foundation & Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
- The publicity of the Scheme will be given through NGOs, which may take it to local students.
- Letters will be written to the State Welfare Ministers / Departments requesting them to further request all the Central and State Universities in their State to circulate the Scheme among their students.
- The services of District Education Officers may also be taken, through the State Governments, for taking the Scheme to the schools in the District.
- The UGC, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) etc. will be requested to circulate the Scheme among their students.
- Members of General Body of Dr Ambedkar Foundation may also be requested to give due publicity to this scheme.
- There is no entry fee.
- The essay shall be of 3500 words and 2000 words for entries from students of Colleges / Universities / Institutions and Schools respectively.
- Each participant should submit only one essay entry on the suggested topic.
- The participants shall submit a certificate that the essay is their original work.
- The individual participant shall enclose a certificate issued by the concerned recognized school/ college/ University/ institutions, certifying that he/she is a bonafide student.
- Participants should send two clean typed copies (one original & other photocopy) of the essay. One copy should include name, address, topic, language, e-mail, phone no. etc. with the signature of the participant, while the other copy need not show any such particulars.
- Submission of the essay entry to the competition implies the acceptance of the rules and regulations of the competition.
- No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
- Plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification.
- Relevant information like name, e-mail address, postal address, institution, course and year of study etc. of the student participant should be indicated in the covering letter and strictly not in the essay.
- The organizers reserve the right to reject entries that do not conform to these guidelines.
- All entries received for competition will become the property of the Dr. Ambedkar Foundation. The winning entries may be considered for publication in a book form by the Foundation.
- In all matters of dispute, the decision of the Dr. Ambedkar Foundation will be final and binding.
- One of the Dr. Ambedkar Chairs set up by Dr. Ambedkar Foundation will be requested to be a partner in the implementation of the Scheme and extend assistance in the evaluation of the essays and an amount of Rs. 1 lakh would be paid to the Chair for their services. Presently, Dr. Ambedkar Chair at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), which had volunteered to implement this Scheme on behalf of DAF, has been approved to be a partner in the implementation of the Scheme. An amount of Rs.1 lakh would be paid to the Chair for its services, which would include evaluation of the entries & preparation of results.
- The essays will be judged by an evaluation committee (to be set up by the Chair) for the selection of the prize winning entries. The essay will be evaluated on the basis of contents, analysis / interpretation, presentation and writing skills as per the following provisions:
- Contents: 50
- Analysis/ interpretation: 20
- Presentation: 15
- Writing Skills: 15
- Total: 100
A full list of winners would be placed on the websites of the Foundation. Winners may be invited to Delhi for felicitation in a befitting manner.
- The prizes money will be sent to winners in the form of an account payee Bank draft by registered post through the concerned recognized Schools / Colleges / Universities / Institutions.
- In case the Foundation invites the winners for a felicitation at Delhi, the winner and one escort will be paid actual fare by sleeper class train/bus from their place of study or from the hometown (Both ways). Arrangements for their boarding / lodging in Delhi will also be made by the Foundation. A sum of Rs. 8,000/- @ Rs. 4,000/- each (on an average) for the winner students and escort will be earmarked for their travelling expenses, boarding and lodging.
The Scheme would be funded from the interest earned on the invested corpus fund of Dr. Ambedkar Foundation.

Download: entry form
For submissions: The Chair Professor, Dr. Ambedkar Chair of Legal Studies and Research, Department of Law, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh - 202002, Utar Pradesh
Website: Dr. Ambedkar Foundation National Essay Competition