Deadline: 3 September 2012
Lonely Planet Magazine has extended the KLM On Assignment Contest deadline (for writers and photographers) to Monday, September 3, 12 noon! There is one week left to gather your photos or edit that Rediscover Manila article. The long weekend's the perfect time to get cracking
KLM, in cooperation with Lonely Planet Magazine Philippines and Digital Photographer Philippines, is proud to announce that On Assignment is back for 2012!
Last year, the contest sent two photographers in an all-expense paid trip to the Netherlands to do a travel feature published in Lonely Planet PH. This year, the airline has decided to up the ante: along with two photographers, it will now send a travel writer to fly to “Le Ville Rose” (The Pink City), Toulouse, France, in September, for an exclusive travel article to be published in Lonely Planet PH December 2012 issue.
Want to write about the French experience, or photograph the food, architecture, landscapes, culture, and the people in the South of France?

For the Writer: Travel to Toulouse and write a special article for the Lonely Planet magazine. Your article should describe the city, the culture, the food, and the general experience in the South of France in one of the most beautiful cities in France.
For the Photographers: Travel with the writer to Toulouse and collaborate to determine the best photos for the Lonely Planet article.
Anyone, for both photographers and writers. You need not be a professional. You must be at least 18 years old or above at the time of travel.

For Writers: You will be tasked to write an article entitled "Rediscover Manila". The article should be 1,500-2,000 words in length. The definition of Manila is Greater Manila and not just Manila city. Your article should a) make a Manileno discover their city once again and make a foreigner want to visit Manila. Tell us something we don't know about. Tell us what makes this city thrive. Tell us something that was once lost and now is found again. Use your imagination. Make the reader want to go out and either discover or rediscover this city.
From all the submissions, we will select the Top 6 best articles and rank them. The author of the best article will go on the trip. 2nd to 6th place will serve as alternates.
The winning "Rediscover Manila" piece will be published in the Lonely Planet magazine also.
For Photographers: You will submit to us a portfolio of ten (10) images-- two (2) images per category. The Toulouse assignment will test your skill over several genres of photography. We need to know that you are qualified to shoot for the Lonely Planet. Do not think you have to be a professional to enter this. Last year, two amateur travel photographers were selected. Winning photographers will be chosen for creativity, interpretation, and diversity. Do not send in any Black and White images because they are rarely used in the Lonely Planet. The Portfolio component comprises 70% of your score.
THE CATEGORIES where you need to submit two (2) images each are:
Then you still need to tell us why you have to get on this trip. Along with your portfolio, you will need to submit your "Pitch" and tell KLM why you should be selected for this trip. You can be creative as you want or as simple as you want. The Pitch component comprises 30% of your score.
Photographers aren't off that easy. Six (6) photographers will be selected from the process as semi finalists. These six will have to go through a shootout to determine the Top-2 photographers to be awarded the Assignment.
The Shootout is simple: You will be given a copy of the article "Rediscover Manila" from the winning writer. You will be given 7 days to produce fifteen (15) images interpreting the article. The two photographers who interpret and photograph for the article properly go On Assignment. The remaining four serve as alternates.
Sony Philippines has confirmed their sponsorship. We will see if we can get the NEX cameras for the winning two photographers and travel writer. Confirmation to come soon. We are also working on other minor sponsors for the event and will announce the prizes shortly.
So we are clear with everything, the photographers and writers own the rights to their work. However, by joining going on the trip, you have agreed that your article and photographs may be used in a future Lonely Planet travel piece. For photographers you will also be featured in an exclusive DPP article exploring the challenges you had shooting On Assignment. You must also agree that your words and photographs may be re-printed by KLM or LP as long as it stays in the same article form.
You have up September 3, 2012 to submit your article or photography portfolio.
Photographers, you can post your portfolios like last year on this DPP Forum so that everyone can get excited and comment about the work. After posting online you should also email us your pitch and portfolio to: Writers should send their articles to the same email.
For queries/ submissions:
Lonely Planet Magazine has extended the KLM On Assignment Contest deadline (for writers and photographers) to Monday, September 3, 12 noon! There is one week left to gather your photos or edit that Rediscover Manila article. The long weekend's the perfect time to get cracking
KLM, in cooperation with Lonely Planet Magazine Philippines and Digital Photographer Philippines, is proud to announce that On Assignment is back for 2012!
Last year, the contest sent two photographers in an all-expense paid trip to the Netherlands to do a travel feature published in Lonely Planet PH. This year, the airline has decided to up the ante: along with two photographers, it will now send a travel writer to fly to “Le Ville Rose” (The Pink City), Toulouse, France, in September, for an exclusive travel article to be published in Lonely Planet PH December 2012 issue.
Want to write about the French experience, or photograph the food, architecture, landscapes, culture, and the people in the South of France?

For the Writer: Travel to Toulouse and write a special article for the Lonely Planet magazine. Your article should describe the city, the culture, the food, and the general experience in the South of France in one of the most beautiful cities in France.
For the Photographers: Travel with the writer to Toulouse and collaborate to determine the best photos for the Lonely Planet article.
- You must have a valid passport for travel during the end of September 2012.
- You must be able to be away for at least one week.
- You must be in decent physical shape.
- You must have the proper gear if you are a photographer.
- Ideally you know how to drive.
Anyone, for both photographers and writers. You need not be a professional. You must be at least 18 years old or above at the time of travel.

For Writers: You will be tasked to write an article entitled "Rediscover Manila". The article should be 1,500-2,000 words in length. The definition of Manila is Greater Manila and not just Manila city. Your article should a) make a Manileno discover their city once again and make a foreigner want to visit Manila. Tell us something we don't know about. Tell us what makes this city thrive. Tell us something that was once lost and now is found again. Use your imagination. Make the reader want to go out and either discover or rediscover this city.
From all the submissions, we will select the Top 6 best articles and rank them. The author of the best article will go on the trip. 2nd to 6th place will serve as alternates.
The winning "Rediscover Manila" piece will be published in the Lonely Planet magazine also.
For Photographers: You will submit to us a portfolio of ten (10) images-- two (2) images per category. The Toulouse assignment will test your skill over several genres of photography. We need to know that you are qualified to shoot for the Lonely Planet. Do not think you have to be a professional to enter this. Last year, two amateur travel photographers were selected. Winning photographers will be chosen for creativity, interpretation, and diversity. Do not send in any Black and White images because they are rarely used in the Lonely Planet. The Portfolio component comprises 70% of your score.
THE CATEGORIES where you need to submit two (2) images each are:
- Portraits
- Landscape
- Culture
- Architecture
- Food
Then you still need to tell us why you have to get on this trip. Along with your portfolio, you will need to submit your "Pitch" and tell KLM why you should be selected for this trip. You can be creative as you want or as simple as you want. The Pitch component comprises 30% of your score.
Photographers aren't off that easy. Six (6) photographers will be selected from the process as semi finalists. These six will have to go through a shootout to determine the Top-2 photographers to be awarded the Assignment.
The Shootout is simple: You will be given a copy of the article "Rediscover Manila" from the winning writer. You will be given 7 days to produce fifteen (15) images interpreting the article. The two photographers who interpret and photograph for the article properly go On Assignment. The remaining four serve as alternates.
Sony Philippines has confirmed their sponsorship. We will see if we can get the NEX cameras for the winning two photographers and travel writer. Confirmation to come soon. We are also working on other minor sponsors for the event and will announce the prizes shortly.
So we are clear with everything, the photographers and writers own the rights to their work. However, by joining going on the trip, you have agreed that your article and photographs may be used in a future Lonely Planet travel piece. For photographers you will also be featured in an exclusive DPP article exploring the challenges you had shooting On Assignment. You must also agree that your words and photographs may be re-printed by KLM or LP as long as it stays in the same article form.
You have up September 3, 2012 to submit your article or photography portfolio.
Photographers, you can post your portfolios like last year on this DPP Forum so that everyone can get excited and comment about the work. After posting online you should also email us your pitch and portfolio to: Writers should send their articles to the same email.
For queries/ submissions: