Deadline August 15 | Call for Submissions: "Masala" Issue of Descant Quarterly Journal ($100 honorarium)

11 August 2012
Deadline August 15 | Call for Submissions: "Masala" Issue of Descant Quarterly Journal ($100 honorarium)
Deadline: 15 August 2012

In Indian cooking, masala is a delicate and savoury fusion of spices that changes from region to region. So the peoples of India, scattered throughout the world today, display a fusion of cultures and histories. Descant is looking for the stories of the Indian Diaspora, its triumphs and its tragedies. Essays, poems, fictions, memoirs, and art work which show the ways in which the Indian peoples connect with one another worldwide and also differentiate themselves from and yet are still linked to modern India.


Before submitting work to Descant, you may wish to consider the following guidelines:

CONTENT: Descant considers submissions of poetry (submit about six poems), short stories, novel excerpts, plays, essays, interviews, musical scores and visual presentations. Standards for acceptance are high. We receive a large number of submissions every month – please send only your best, carefully edited work. No submission may be under consideration by another publisher, nor can it have been previously published.

FORMAT: Submissions must be typed, double-spaced on one side of the page, with ample margins. Good quality photocopies or computer printouts are acceptable. On your envelope please print your full name, type of submission and complete address. Manuscripts may be sent back if they do not adhere to format guidelines. Art submissions can be mailed to us, either on hard copy or on CD-R. If sending on CD-R, use low resolution jpgs or pdf, preferably Mac format, but PC is acceptable. As with writing, we do not accept email submission or links to websites.

RETURN: Our preferred method of responding to submissions is by email; note that should you choose to have us communicate using this method, unsuccessful applications will be recycled following our response. If you would prefer a paper response and/or your manuscript returned, include a SASE with adequate Canadian postage or International Reply Coupons. Americans please note: U.S. postage on SASEs is not sufficient! Please use IRCs or Canadian postage on your SASE.

IF ACCEPTED: If accepted, it may take Descant up to 12 months to publish accepted works (occasionally longer, often shorter). Descant pays a $100 honourarium upon publication.


For inquiries:

For submissions: Descant, PO Box 314, Station P, Toronto, ON, M5S 2S8



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