Call for Worldwide Submissions: Translation-Only Issue of The Stinging Fly

19 August 2012
Call for Worldwide Submissions: Translation-Only Issue of The Stinging Fly
Deadline: 30 September 2012

We publish new, previously unpublished work by Irish and international writers. We have a particular interest in promoting the short story. Each issue also includes a mix of poetry, book reviews and essays, alongside occasional author interviews and novel extracts.

We are now seeking submissions for our first ever translation-only issue.

Our Summer 2013 issue will showcase literary translation of new and contemporary prose fiction from around the world. In conjunction with Dublin-based literary translation agency, Parkbench Publishing Services, we are now calling for submissions.

So, if you are a translator and you know of a new writer or new writing that you think we should know about, whatever the source language may be, please get in touch. We are particularly interested in finding/translating short stories, though excerpts from novels and novellas will also be considered. We hope to include work by new and emerging writers and translators, alongside the work of more established practitioners.

Translators should contact us as soon as possible – and certainly before September 30th 2012 – with suggestions as to work we might consider including in the issue. We also very much welcome suggestions and recommendations from our readers and writers - send us an e-mail. The translation issue will be published in June 2013.


This is The Stinging Fly’s first translation-only issue, and as such, we’re eager to strike a balance between different source languages and authors, prose styles and translators.

To this end, potential contributors are asked to fill out the single-page summary form (included here) with details of the author and translator, the short story or novel excerpt to be translated, and a note on why this piece in particular should be read and enjoyed in Ireland today. Translators who would like to pitch multiple pieces for inclusion are asked to submit one summary per piece.

All potential contributors are asked to complete and return the summary form by email to by 30 September at the latest.

  • Translators must be native or bilingual English-speakers of any nationality.
  • Texts from all source languages are considered; the translation must be into English.
  • The proposed piece must be all or part of a published work of literary fiction by a living author.
  • A source-language word count of 2,000–5,000 is preferred, but longer pieces will be considered up to 9,000 words.
  • Translators are asked to contact the rights department of the publisher to ask who holds the English-language translation rights for the piece, and provide us with a contact name, email address and phone number. Please note that if the piece has recently been / is currently being translated into English, this permission likely won’t be granted. Where we can, we will assist translators in the process of inquiring after and securing translation and publication rights. Obviously it will be an advantage if these have already been secured.
  • Translators are asked to provide the details of any funding available for translation from the source language for a literary magazine or periodical. We will assist translators in securing translation grants where available.
  • The attached form should be no longer than one page when completed.
Please get in touch with Nora Mahony at with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!

Download: summary form


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