Call for Poets, Artists and Performers for Souk Mansi Chapter 1: Maqtou3a at Makan Art Space (Amman, Jordan)

23 August 2012
Call for Poets, Artists and Performers for Souk Mansi Chapter 1: Maqtou3a at Makan Art Space (Amman, Jordan)
Date: 7 September 2012

Souk Mansi is looking for Open Mic performers (poets, artists, performers, dancers, musicians and everything in between are welcome). The show is on September 7th. Spots are very limited, so to book yours ASAP, please email
  • Souk Mansi Chapter 1: Maqtou3a
  • Spoken Word Poetry Show, Open Mic & Jam Session
  • Friday, September 7, 2012 | 7:30pm in UTC+03
One thing we can promise, Maqtou3a will bring you a night of artistic fusion, caught in a cobweb of poetry by -Jordan’s only- Souk Mansi’s crew members, music by your favorite local artist, to be announced very very soon, and performances by the most artistic members of the audience! All art is welcome, all taste-buds will be satisfied.

Souk Mansi is Jordan’s first and premier Spoken Word Poetry Initiative; bringing together 7 local poets; Aysha El-Shamayleh, Izzy Afyouni, Amer Al Taher, Bilal Shouly, Sha
hd Shammout, Tala Abdul-Hadi and Aya Lozi. Some of whom have already been published and featured in international shows.

Maqtou3a -pun intended- marks the team’s debut appearance.

Besides Souq Mansi’s poetry and local music, we insist on having audience representation on stage, so we bring you one organically grown.
  • Open Mic Session - open to all artists, poets, performers, dancers and musicians. However, space is limited, those who are interested in performing must book their spots ASAP. Please email Aysha El-Shamayleh at (
  • Jam Session: For the love of organized chaos and all the creativity that spills in the process, musicians, MCs, poets, beatboxers and the audience will get together to make improvised fusions of fresh local art.

“Every night at hundreds of poetry spots around the world there exists the phenomenon of the Open Mic, a meta-metaphor for freedom, a place where your art can be presented to the public at large (well, granted, the audience is usually other poets waiting their turn to get at the mic), without having to submit said work to an authorizing board, without having to present your resume, pay a registration fee (you may have to pay to get in, but once in it’s not a penny more to be poet of the moment when your name is called), no credentializing of any sort. Ye Olde Town Meeting has evolved into the Open Mic -– here you’ll hear every kind of poet, every genre of poetry. Here the words of the Declaration of Independence ring true: All humans are created equal –- so long as you don’t go over the time limit!” Bob Holman (The Bowry Poetry Club, New York)

Musicians, performers, dancers, artists of all kinds are also welcome to participate in Souk Mansi’s open mic session!

  • Book your spot on the Open Mic list ahead of time. Contact the host, Aysha El-Shamayleh, at ( Space is limited, so do it ASAP.
  • Each performer gets no longer than 5 minutes! (Please time your pieces before the show).
  • The space is there for first-timers as much as it is it there for experienced performers. The purpose is to build a community and support existing as well as up-and-coming artists in Jordan. If you are a new performer; this is your chance to grab the mic, so don’t shy away!
  • The venue has a limited capacity, please arrive early to secure seats.
  • Open Mic performers are encouraged to purchase the JD3 contribution ticket, which only serves to keep Souk Mansi alive!


For queries: contact Aysha El-Shamayleh at
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