Call for International Submissions: Toska Literary Journal Fall 2012 Issue

29 August 2012
Call for International Submissions: Toska Literary Journal Fall 2012 Issue
Deadline: 30 August 2012 (Fall 2012 issue), 30 November 2012 (Winter issue)

(Note: Toska Magazine is committed to publishing new and emerging artists. As an online publication, artists need not be limited to a specific geographic area.)

TOSKA, a quarterly online literary journal showcasing the works of nonfiction writers and photographers, is looking for all genres of nonfiction including narrative nonfiction, flash nonfiction, biography, autobiography and memoir, experimental, political, historical, LGBT, and journalistic works, for its Fall 2012 issue.

We prefer pieces that range from 100 to 3,000 words, although we will consider longer works of exceptional quality. We are also seeking photography submissions from both amateur and professional photographers and are particularly interested in journalistic and documentary-style photography. We accept both single photographs and series of up to five images. We are an independent publication not affiliated with any academic institution or other organization, and we value high-quality writing and photography above all else.

  • All written work should be emailed as a Word document with the subject line “Nonfiction Submission.”
  • All work should be proofread and edited before submitting. All submitted work should be of the highest quality.
  • No special formatting is necessary, but writers should include the title of their piece, word count, byline as they would like it to appear in publication, and a short bio of no more than 75 words.
  • Nonfiction submissions should be between 100 and 3,000 words. However, we will consider longer works of exceptional quality.
  • Any genre and subject matter is open, but content should be kept in the PG-13 range.
  • Writers may submit up to three pieces at a time.
  • All photos should be emailed as JPG files with the subject line “Photography Submission.”
  • We accept a wide range of photography, including fine art, documentary style and journalistic photography.
  • All submitted images should be at least 300 dpi.
  • Photographers should submit their byline as they would like it to appear online, a short bio of no more than 75 words and the title of their photograph or series. Photographers may also include a short description or caption for photographs, if they choose.
  • Any genre and subject matter is open, but content should be kept in the PG-13 range.
  • Photographers may submit up to 10 images at a time.
Quarterly deadlines are February 28, May 30, August 30, and November 30, for our spring, summer, fall, and winter issues, respectively.

At this time, we are not able to financially compensate artists for their work. However, individuals retain all rights to their work and do not have to ask permission to submit or publish their writing or photography in other publications, blogs and anthologies, or on other websites.


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