Call for Arabian/ Asian-Themed Submissions: The Faerie Ring Fantasy Tales Anthology (Zombie Sky Press | honorarium: $0.05 per word)

14 August 2012
Call for Arabian/ Asian-Themed Submissions: The Faerie Ring Fantasy Tales Anthology (Zombie Sky Press | honorarium: $0.05 per word)
Deadline: 15 September 2012

We intentionally left one or two slots open in an upcoming anthology of fey tales to try to catch some unexpected talent. Want to submit something for it? Zombie Sky Press is open to submissions as of August 9.

The Requirements: Email your stories to Stories must be attachments on the email and in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. No more than two submissions per person. No simultaneous submissions or reprints. We want 3000-5000 word stories about the fey. We will automatically reject any manuscript that doesn’t meet these requirements. The deadline for short story submissions is 09/15/12.

The Details: This is an anthology of dark fantasy tales of the fey. Your story should involve fey in some way. The anthology is tied to The Faerie Ring product line published by Zombie Sky Press.
Moral ambiguity and emotional intensity are encouraged. We ARE looking for interesting characters, intense emotion, fanciful locations, frightful and fantastic (or gritty) stories. We are NOT looking for fables or retellings of classic fairy tales. We are also NOT looking for cliche RPG themes (such as parties of armor-clad adventurers storming the evil castle). No modernity or real world history or religions. But adapting elements of mythology and folklore is welcome.

This is a fantasy shared world (but it’s so broad and open that most things fantasy have a place). Just about any fantasy story can happen here, somewhere. Though in many ways it’s a traditional fantasy setting, you’re encouraged to go a little nuts. Bring on the flying castles, stolen babies, purchased memories, goblin markets, whatever. A little weird and over-the-top is fine (and even encouraged). Make it fantastic. And tend toward dark.

You are also not restricted to European flavors of fey (though they are certainly welcome). For instance, an Arabian-themed fantasy tale featuring peri or an Asian-themed tale featuring kitsune are welcome. (Our definition of the fey is a bit broader than some.)

We pay 5¢ per word for fiction.


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