Call for Submissions for Summer Issue: The Harvard Asia Quarterly

07 July 2012
Call for Submissions for Summer Issue: The Harvard Asia Quarterly
Deadline: 15 July 2012

Allan Hsiao, the Editor-in-Chief of Harvard Asia Quarterly, is calling for submissions for their Summer issue. Harvard Asia is a quarterly journal affiliated with the Harvard Asia Center. They publish four times a year on multidisciplinary topics related to issues in East, South, and Central Asia.

July 15th is the submission deadline for our summer issue, to be published by the first week of August, and August 1st is the deadline for the following issue. Articles tend to be between 4000 and 7000 words.

Their Summer 2011 issue is accessible here and contains contributions by such prominent scholars as Roderick MacFarquhar and Jeffrey Wasserstrom.


Please note that HAQ is fully committed to publishing work based on original research. In drafting contributions, authors should keep in mind the broad, multidisciplinary interests of our readership, as opposed to focusing exclusively on the narrow scopes of their research specialties.

• Manuscripts, including notes and references, tend to range between 4,000 and 7,000 words in length.

• Submissions should be sent directly to the Editor at as a Microsoft Word file.

• Each submission should be accompanied by at least one high-resolution image, accompanied by relevant titles or captions. Upon publication, one image will be used as the cover photo of the article. Authors should indicate where other images are to be placed.

• A 150-word abstract should appear at the beginning of the document.

• A 100-word biography about the author(s) should also be included.

• Authors’ names are to be excluded from the text, as HAQ engages in double-blind reviews.

• Manuscripts should be double-spaced with 12-point type and 1 inch margins, including footnotes, and formatted for letter-size (8.5 x 11 in.) paper.

• References and notes should appear as footnotes, to be formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style (see below). References do not need to be listed at the end of the article.

• Authors should use the following Romanization: Pinyin for Chinese, Hepburn for Japanese, and McCune-Reischauer for Korean.

• Manuscripts submitted to JAS should not have been published previously. Shorter, edited versions of longer published work are acceptable.

• The articles published in HAQ do not represent the views of the editorial board. The Editor is responsible for the final selection of content and reserves the right not to publish work deemed inappropriate for publication. Responsibility for the views expressed in published work lies solely with the individual authors.

Download: full submission and formatting guidelines


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