Call for Submissions for December 2012 Issue: The Muse (India | international)

09 July 2012
Call for Submissions for December 2012 Issue: The Muse (India | international)
Deadline: 10 November 2012

Work submitted for publication must be original, previously unpublished (both print and online, not even published on blogs,literary or discussion forums or social networking sites), and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Send 1 to 5 poems and a brief biodata. A cover letter would be nice but is not mandatory.

The research papers should be not less than 3000 words. References should be prepared strictly following MLA Stylesheet (7th edition).

E-mail your poems, essays and research papers to . Response time varies from 2 to 12 weeks.

With poem/ research paper the poet/author is requested to submit a statement of originality of work.


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