B O D Y is an international online literary journal. We publish the highest quality poetry and prose from emerging and established writers, both original work and translations. B O D Y is currently open for submissions of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, essays and reviews.
Submit to B O D Y: bodylit@gmail.com
All submissions should be sent as PDF or in a Word doc. Please include a short cover letter and your bio in the body of the email. No previously published work. Please make sure you include your name and email address at the top of each page.
POETRY: Send up to 5 poems. Include your name and the word “poetry” in the subject line of your email. One poem to a page.
PROSE: Send up to 10 pages of text in a standard font (1.5 or double-spaced) with your name and a one- or two-word description like “short story” or “book review” or “personal essay” in the subject line of your email.
TRANSLATIONS: Work in translation must clearly indicate the original language, author, date of publication in the original language(if it has been published)and any other relevant information (original press, country, date, etc.) as well as the biographical details of the translated author.
We accept simultaneous submissions – but please let us know as soon as someone else beats us to it. We’ll take up to six weeks to get back to you.
Due to the volume of submissions we receive, please do not submit your work more than three times per year.
Submissions which do not follow the guidelines will not be read.
For queries/ submissions: bodylit@gmail.com
Website: http://bodyliterature.com/
Submit to B O D Y: bodylit@gmail.com
All submissions should be sent as PDF or in a Word doc. Please include a short cover letter and your bio in the body of the email. No previously published work. Please make sure you include your name and email address at the top of each page.
POETRY: Send up to 5 poems. Include your name and the word “poetry” in the subject line of your email. One poem to a page.
PROSE: Send up to 10 pages of text in a standard font (1.5 or double-spaced) with your name and a one- or two-word description like “short story” or “book review” or “personal essay” in the subject line of your email.
TRANSLATIONS: Work in translation must clearly indicate the original language, author, date of publication in the original language(if it has been published)and any other relevant information (original press, country, date, etc.) as well as the biographical details of the translated author.
We accept simultaneous submissions – but please let us know as soon as someone else beats us to it. We’ll take up to six weeks to get back to you.
Due to the volume of submissions we receive, please do not submit your work more than three times per year.
Submissions which do not follow the guidelines will not be read.
For queries/ submissions: bodylit@gmail.com
Website: http://bodyliterature.com/