Flipside Publishing is involved in leading-edge conversion, production and publishing of e-books. Our e-books are available for the Amazon Kindle, Apple iTunes, and B&N Nook. Our goal is to enrich the global electronic reading experience by publishing select Asian e-books while helping other international publishers properly convert their content.
You can email your submissions to publisher@flipside.ph. However, before you submit, read the guidelines below.
FLIPSIDE FLAMES (ROMANCE): We’re looking for single-title romance novels with a substantial storyline that focuses on the fantasy of true love. The story must feature and develop a central romantic relationship between two complex characters. These characters do not have to end up together by the close of the story, but the novel has to end on an optimistic and emotionally satisfying note. Works should have a length of 25,000 – 30,000 words. We are looking for Contemporary Romance (CR), Historical Romance (HR), and Paranormal Romance (PNR) novels. For a clearer definition of these subgenres, you can check the definitions presented in the Romance Writers of America website.
FLIPSIDE FLAVORS (ER0TICA): Check the guidelines here.
FSSF (FLIPSIDE SPECFIC): We’re looking for novels that contain strong elements or sensibilities of science fiction, fantasy, horror, magic realism, alternate history, folklore, superheroes, slipstream, or related nonrealist genres and subgenres. We welcome both traditional narratives and works that play with form. While we appreciate literary and philosophical depth, formal inventiveness, and social critique, we do not want to be bored, boggled beyond cognition, or preached to. Works should have a length of 40,000 – 60,000 words.
COMPENSATION AND RIGHTS: We offer a PhP10,000 (roughly US$240.00) advance against royalties for works we accept. We claim exclusive, first, world electronic publishing rights for seven years, subject to renewal. Further details about compensation and rights will be included in the contract.
For queries/ submissions: publisher@flipside.ph
Website: http://flipsidepublishing.wordpress.com/
You can email your submissions to publisher@flipside.ph. However, before you submit, read the guidelines below.
- Email us at the above address.
- In your subject line, indicate if it is for Flipside Flames, Flipside Flavors, or FSSF if you are submitting to an imprint.
- Please follow our General Requirements.
- We prefer submissions from Asian authors but submissions are open to anyone.
- In the body of your email, in addition to your query letter (see General Requirements), include your name, contact information, and a brief author bio.
- See below for specific requirements unique to the imprint (Romance, Erotica, or Speculative Fiction) you are submitting to.
- We do not accept simultaneous submissions.
- Submissions must be in English.
- Submissions should be in Manuscript Format.
- We accept RTF and DOC files. Do not submit in any other file format.
- In your submission, please include your query letter, a one-page synopsis of your novel, the first three chapters of your book. Do not send us the entire manuscript. Make sure that your query letter includes the following information: a short description of your book (around 50 to 100 words); an author bio; and your book’s target audience. Some sample query letters can be found here.
- The book need not be complete when you make your initial submission but should be complete before we finalize acceptance.
- All material must be the author’s own original work and s/he must own the electronic publishing rights.
- We accept reprints.
FLIPSIDE FLAMES (ROMANCE): We’re looking for single-title romance novels with a substantial storyline that focuses on the fantasy of true love. The story must feature and develop a central romantic relationship between two complex characters. These characters do not have to end up together by the close of the story, but the novel has to end on an optimistic and emotionally satisfying note. Works should have a length of 25,000 – 30,000 words. We are looking for Contemporary Romance (CR), Historical Romance (HR), and Paranormal Romance (PNR) novels. For a clearer definition of these subgenres, you can check the definitions presented in the Romance Writers of America website.
FLIPSIDE FLAVORS (ER0TICA): Check the guidelines here.
FSSF (FLIPSIDE SPECFIC): We’re looking for novels that contain strong elements or sensibilities of science fiction, fantasy, horror, magic realism, alternate history, folklore, superheroes, slipstream, or related nonrealist genres and subgenres. We welcome both traditional narratives and works that play with form. While we appreciate literary and philosophical depth, formal inventiveness, and social critique, we do not want to be bored, boggled beyond cognition, or preached to. Works should have a length of 40,000 – 60,000 words.
COMPENSATION AND RIGHTS: We offer a PhP10,000 (roughly US$240.00) advance against royalties for works we accept. We claim exclusive, first, world electronic publishing rights for seven years, subject to renewal. Further details about compensation and rights will be included in the contract.
For queries/ submissions: publisher@flipside.ph
Website: http://flipsidepublishing.wordpress.com/