Writers' Retreat Program at the Prima Royale Hotel (Israel)

06 June 2012
Writers' Retreat Program at the Prima Royale Hotel (Israel)
Interesting news featured on The Times of Israel: Jerusalem hotel is seeking writers who need peace and quiet. Prima Royale has launched its artist retreat program, in the tradition of New York’s Chelsea. The hotel lends a hand to writers and poets, offering a free room for up to two weeks or more to wordsmiths working on projects and seeking some peace and quiet. Writers Asher Reich (winner of both the Prime Minister’s and Presidential prizes), Edna Shemesh (“Amstel”) and Noa Yadlin (“Shelf Life”) will be the first writers to participate in the project, while an advisory committee that includes writers Ram Oren and Amnon Jacont, poet Bettine Amir, and Prima CEO Etti Levi will review proposals from writers. “The concept of the hotel revolves around arts in Jerusalem, so we thought it would be great to add this to the overall idea,” said Tali Karasik-Regev, who handles press relations for the hotel.

We're not sure if the program is by invitation only. Regardless, we will post the application guidelines when available. In the meantime, check out Prima Royale's website. Their contact numbers are +972-2-560-7111 and their e-mail address is Royale@prima.co.il
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