Students Worldwide Invited to Submit: DUJS International Essay Competition ($150 prize)

26 June 2012
Students Worldwide Invited to Submit: DUJS International Essay Competition ($150 prize)
Deadline: 30 September 2012

Students from all over the world are invited to submit an essay in English (1500 - 2000 words) on the recent effects and future promises of science in our society. Write about particular discoveries, events, or persons from science in current events or present a more general account of the changes and developments.

The winning essay writer will receive $150 and be published in the Fall 2012 issue of the Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science. Runner-ups will have their essays featured on the Journal website. Essay should be submitted by September 30th, 2012.


All high school students and international equivalents are invited to submit an essay about the recent effects and future promises of science in our society. Write about particular discoveries, events, or persons from science in current events or present a more general account of the changes and developments. Each essay must be accompanied by a statement of acknowledged validity by a teacher in the field of the sciences, technology, engineering or mathematics.

Students must submit their essays and entry forms electronically on or before the contest deadline of September 30th, 2012.

Students who have family members affiliated with the Journal, or serving as contest judges are not eligible to participate.


The author of the winning essay will receive a $150 monetary award in addition to having their winning essay published in the Fall 2012 print issue of Journal. In addition, three runner-ups will be selected. The winning and runner-up essays will be featured on the Journal website at The winner and the runner-ups will receive a certificate and a print copy of the Fall 2012 issue of the Journal.


All essays must comply with the following contest rules before submission:

• No literary form other than an essay will be accepted.

• Each essay must reflect the contestant's own research, writing and original thinking.

• Each contestant may submit only one (1) essay.

• Each contestant must complete, scan, and attach a student entry form

• Teachers must verify and sign the verification of authenticity on the student entry form.

• The essay is limited to 1500 – 2000 words, 12-point font, doublespaced, Times New Roman, numbered pages with one-inch margins. The title page and works cited sections are not included in the word count.

• Each essay must include a title page, not counted towards the 1500-2000 word limit, with the following information:
  • Essay title
  • Author's name
  • Author’s grade
  • Author’s email
  • Name of school
  • School address
  • School telephone number
  • Total number of pages of essay (excluding references and title)
  • Name of supervising teacher
  • Email of supervising teacher

• The title of the essay and the page number MUST appear on header of every page of essay text.

• References should be included and clearly identified.

• Any references and citations used must follow the Science Guidelines, which can be found at

• If you have chemical structures in your article, please take note of the American Chemical Society (ACS)’s specifications of the diagrams.

• Name submission in the following format: ISEC_LastName_Topic.docx (example: ISEC_Johnson_ScienceandSociety.docx)

• The essay must be sent via e-mail to with the subject line “DUJS ISEC SUBMISSION.”

• The Student Entry Form should be scanned and saved as a .pdf, .jpeg, or .png file. It must be attached to the email in conjunction with the essay.

• Entries must be received on or before September 30th, 2012.

• The authors retain all rights to their original work, with the exception that they grant the Journal the exclusive right to publish their work in print and online. Articles may not be reproduced elsewhere without the permission of the Journal.

• The Journal will not consider work that has been previously published or is under review for publication by another publication. In addition, work submitted to the Journal for consideration may not be concurrently submitted to another publication.


The Journal editorial staff will judge the essays using five criteria, including comprehension, organization, conclusions, creativity, and writing. All winners and their sponsoring teachers will be notified by email on or before October 31st, 2012.

Download: entry form


For queries: send any and all questions to with the subject line “DUJS ISEC QUESTION”

For submissions: with the subject line “DUJS ISEC SUBMISSION”

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