Deadline June 30 | The World's Greatest Fantasy Writing Contest ($500 top prize)

23 June 2012
Deadline June 30 | The World's Greatest Fantasy Writing Contest ($500 top prize)
Deadline: 30 June 2012

With the Fantasy-Faction Anthology, we are looking to do things a little differently than what you may be expecting. Unlike many anthologies out there that tend to be filled solely with already famous names, we want to be the place where those famous names are made. We are offering you the chance to be published alongside some of the greatest authors in modern fantasy and to be read by thousands.

There are 6 publication places up for grabs with cash prizes for our favourite three.
  • First – $500
  • Second – $250
  • Third – $100

All six winners will also receive a beautiful glass award to commemorate the achievement.

Every day at Fantasy-Faction, we come across truly fantastic fantasy stories from unpublished authors who are struggling to get noticed by a publisher. That is why we have decided to take matters in to our own hands and be the ones to offer you the chance to be published and also win yourself $500 in the process. Best of all, it’s completely free!


For the Reader: We aim to bring you the greatest new and undiscovered fantasy stories to be found anywhere on the planet. Stories that will not just entertain you, but also give you a glimpse into the future. This collection will be a look at the fantasy authors who are currently crafting new worlds for you to escape into and whose books will soon be adorning your bookshelves. This isn’t all though, the anthology will also showcase exclusive articles from some of the most loved and revered authors on the planet. But, that’s another story – Stay tuned.

For the Writer: We aim to provide you an opportunity to not only get your story and name (that’s an important one) in print but also to showcase your work and gain the recognition that could propel you towards a career in writing. On top of this, we are offering cash prizes for the top three stories.


You! Whether you’ve been working for years to get published or have never before put pen to paper, we want you to submit your fantasy story to us. Of course, there are rules (for what is life without rules?). You can find those and a bunch of other handy information on this site. However, the most important thing to keep in mind is that we want your fantasy stories. This means any kind of fantasy from swords and sorcery to steampunk. In fact, the only kind of fantasy we don’t want is the kind you buy from a top shelf and smuggle home in a paper bag. Keep that kind of fantasy buried in the bottom of your underwear drawer please.

We will be accepting story submissions from: 1 February 2012 – 30 June 2012


The rules are fairly basic:
  • No entry fee is required (optional entry-plus)
  • All fantasy sub-genres are welcome
  • Maximum word count of 8,000 words
  • Entries must be in english only
  • Work must be original and unpublished

If your work is in accordance with the above then please click here to head over to the entry pages. Alternatively, please read below for more details on the rules and how we will be judging the competition.

What do you class as Fantasy?

ANYTHING that can be classified as fantasy can be submitted. However, what is fantasy? Oh dear… what a question! This question has been argued about for decades. Well, we can only give you our answer, and that is: “All stories that contradict known or theoretical law of nature and does not try to explain it with detailed science”.

What happens to my story once I’ve sent it and how is it judged?

Once you’ve sent your story to us we hand it over to the judges. They will then read through it and rate it out of 100 based on the judges’ criteria. At the end of the judging phase, the top 5% of these entries will be re-read by all of the other judges. Judges will then re-rate the stories independently and meet up to discuss which they feel should be entered into the anthology.

Will I get any feedback?

The biggest complaint that people we spoke to had with writing competition was ‘entry fees’. It seemed that people were very against the idea of submitting stories, handing over money and never hearing a single word back from the competition. The second biggest complaint that people we spoke to had with competitions was that once they had entered they heard nothing back…not a word. What on earth happened to their money? Did anyone ever read their story?

Well, The Fantasy-Faction Anthology looked to address these concerns by introducing Entry Plus. Entry Plus is an optional way to enter your story. For just £7.00 the judge that reads over your piece will write up a full paged critique on your work, what they liked about it, what they were less fond of, and more importantly how it could have been made better.

It is important to note that whether or not you chose to submit via Entry Plus, you stand the exact same chance of winning. There will be no favoritism or biased showed towards those that choose Entry Plus.


We are not as fussy as most competitions in regards to how the stories are submitted. We prefer .DOC or .DOCX files. And as long as they are in a clear, readable font, we are relatively happy. Please put your full name and e-mail address in the header with a word count in the footer. Winners will be notified of the results by phone or email and the handover of the prize delivery will be arranged with them at this point. The judge’s decision, as always, is final.


For submissions: submit online here

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