Deadline June 10 | Call for Submissions for Speculative Poetry Quarterly: Stone Telling Issue 8 (Asia-wide)

03 June 2012
Deadline June 10 | Call for Submissions for Speculative Poetry Quarterly: Stone Telling Issue 8 (Asia-wide)
Deadline: 10 June 2012

STONE TELLING is a speculative poetry quarterly, looking for mythic, fantastical, magic realist, science ficitonal, and surrealist work. We're dedicated to showcasing multi-perspective work of literary quality. We welcome bilingual/multilingual poetry and translated work as well as English-language poetry. We have featured a number of Asian and South Asian poets, but would love to find more voices to showcase.


STONE TELLING is looking for literary speculative poems with a strong emotional core. We focus on fantasy, science fiction, surrealism, and slipstream, but would consider outstanding science poetry and non-speculative poetry that fits the flavor of the magazine. Please note that we are not a mainstream literary poetry market, and non-speculative poetry will be an extremely hard sell.

While we are open to all speculative poetry, we are especially interested in seeing work that is multi-cultural and boundary-crossing, work that deals with othering and Others, work that considers race, gender, sexuality, identity, and disability issues in nontrivial and evocative ways. We’d love to see multilingual poetry, though that can sometimes be tricky. Try us!

There are no style limitations, but rhymed poetry will be a hard sell. Please try us with visual poetry, prose poetry, and other genre-bending forms. We will consider experimental poetry, but please remember that not all experimental poems are easy to represent in an e-zine format.


April 1- June 10: Issue 8 (open theme)

  • Length: We will consider poems of any length. However, very short poetry (10 lines and fewer) might be better suited for inkscrawl. You are welcome to try us first - we did buy short poems in the past, though rarely.
  • Regarding epic lengths: we DO buy them - here is an example, but it is a very hard sell. We have a separate pay rate for epic lengths (see under payment)
  • You can submit up to THREE poems per submission.
  • We prefer to receive poetry in the body of the email, but if your poem has non-standard formatting, you can send an attachment in .doc, .docx or .rtf format.
  • If you are sending more than one poem in an attachment, please send only one file - i.e. three poems in one file, rather than three files.
  • Please put SUBMISSION: Author's name in the subject line. This will prevent your submission from getting lost.
  • Please supply a short cover letter with your submission. List your latest credits, if applicable - if you are unpublished, that's fine too.
  • Stone Telling does not accept simultaneous submissions. No exceptions.
  • Response time is within 60 days. Please do not query before 60 days have passed. However, if you have not heard from us after 60 days, please query immediately.
  • Editorial address is poetry at stonetelling dot com

REPRINTS: We are NOT looking for unsolicited reprints.

RIGHTS: If accepted, you will be granting Stone Telling first North American serial, promotional, non-exclusive anthology, and archival rights. Copyright will revert to the author upon publication. If the piece is subsequently published in another venue, we ask that you source Stone Telling as first publication.


For inquiries/ submissions:

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