Call for One-Act Plays - Your Words on Stage: Gwangju Performance Project (Korea)

18 June 2012
Call for One-Act Plays - Your Words on Stage: Gwangju Performance Project (Korea)
Fueled by coffee, unfounded optimism, and the vigor of youth, the Gwangju Performance Project is an amateur, non-profit theatre team that intends to tap into all the vibrant creativity which already exists in the Gwangju English community.

Always evolving, we are now starting an exciting new project: locally written theatre! Starting with some writing workshops (facilitated by the talented Rachel Redfern) in June and July, we're getting ready to start accepting short script submissions for Your Words on Stage. The deadline will be late August, and the performances in December. Contact us now to get involved! Our group is becoming more organized and powerful by the day. We cannot be stopped!


1. Plays should be approximately 10 minutes in length.

2. A minimalist approach to sets, costumes, and technical requirements is preferred (as several plays will be going up back-to-back).

3. No more than 4 actors per script (with the possible exception of small walk-on parts).

4. The following line MUST be included: "I said the same thing!"

5. Although they are open to plays with a variety of genres and themes, they do want to present an evening of theatre that works well as a whole. With that in mind, your play might have a better chance of being chosen if it is on the lighter side (i.e. no holocaust stories please).

6. Deadline: The final submission date will be August 1st, 2012. However, The Gwangju Performance Project will be taking a 'letter of intent' from those interested, sometime before the deadline. Please contact the Project for more details.

Via: gwangjublog


For queries: via the contact form

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