Youth for Human Rights International Essay and Poetry Contest (worldwide)

19 May 2012
Youth for Human Rights International Essay and Poetry Contest (worldwide)
Deadline: 1 December 2012

Youth for Human Rights International launched its global movement with an essay contest. The response to the call for essays describing the individual human rights was widespread and enthusiastic and brought attention to our organization with the goal of a world of cooperation and peace through human rights education. Local, regional or international contests are powerful activities for getting youth involved and learning about human rights.

COMPETITION THEME: What Are Human Rights?


1. Read the booklet What Are Human Rights?
2. The essay should be approximately one page long.
3. The poem can be handwritten or typed (single spaced).
4. Send this information:
  • Name:
  • Age (18 and under):
  • Country:
  • Parent/Guardian name:
  • Parent/Guardian signature:
  • Parent/Guardian email address for notification:

5. Submit your poem with a letter giving “permission to publish” (if you are under 18 this letter must be from your parent) by email to with the words “POETRY COMPETITION” in the subject line.

NOTIFICATION: December 10th, Human Rights Day

All poems and essays will be considered for the YHRI website. Unfortunately, due to the large volume of submissions only a selection of poems will be placed on our international website!


For inquiries/ submissions:

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