International Call for Authors: AAG International Encyclopedia of Geography

09 May 2012
International Call for Authors: AAG International Encyclopedia of Geography
Deadline: 1 November 2012

The AAG is accepting expressions of interest from prospective contributors to the forthcoming Wiley-AAG International Encyclopedia of Geography. The 15-volume work, to be published both in hard copy and online, will engage geographers, GIScientists, and geographic societies around the globe in preparing approximately 1,300 entries that reflect the international and interdisciplinary nature of modern geography.

What distinguishes this project from other encyclopedias is that it will be truly international. Because it has the institutional support of the AAG and other geographical associations from around the world, the encyclopedia will be updated on an ongoing basis, and, as such, it has the potential to become the authoritative reference work in the field of geography for decades to come. In addition, it will feature interactive online extensions to supplemental material and resources, as well as a timeline of key developments in the discipline and a section addressing the status of geography and geographical societies worldwide. The scope and range of the encyclopedia will permit a robust discussion of geography’s myriad subdisciplines and engagement with ideas and topics from related fields.

The core editorial team includes Noel Castree (human–nature interactions), Michael Goodchild (GIScience and technology), Audrey Kobayashi (human geography), Weidong Liu (economic geography and regional development), Dick Marston (physical geography), and Douglas Richardson (Editor-in-Chief). Together with approximately forty Section Editors, the core editorial team will select contributors who will be invited to prepare manuscripts for one or more entries that reflect their areas of specialization. Selection of contributors will be completed in early 2013, with first drafts of assigned entries due for submission by January 1, 2014.

In-depth entries will cover key concepts and topics within all subfields of geography. The entries will range in length from 500 to 10,000 words, with a target mean of 3,500 words. The complete publication will total 5,000,000 words, or roughly 10,000 bound pages, including 1,000 illustrations, the majority of which will be printed in color.

In addition to peer-reviewed publication in what promises to be the most comprehensive geographical reference work, contributors will also receive two years of free access to the full online edition of the International Encyclopedia of Geography. The encyclopedia is intended to reflect a broad range of perspectives within the discipline. Therefore participation by geographers who reflect a cross-section of nationalities, career stages, institutional affiliations, research specializations, and demographic backgrounds is strongly encouraged.

To be considered for this opportunity, please send a letter of interest that describes your topical expertise and a copy of your current CV to Joy Adams no later than November 1, 2012. For further information about the project, contact Joy Adams, Managing Editor, or Douglas Richardson, Editor-in-Chief.

A special session will be held at the 2013 AAG Annual Meeting in Los Angeles for those who wish to learn more about, contribute to, or offer ideas and other input regarding the project.


For inquiries/ submissions: contact Doug Richardson at or Joy Adams at

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