E. Gene Smith Book Prize for a Book on Inner Asia

12 May 2012
E. Gene Smith Book Prize for a Book on Inner Asia
Deadline: 30 June 2012

A new book prize that is being offered by the Association for Asian Studies: the Gene Smith Prize in Inner Asian Studies that honors outstanding and innovative scholarship across discipline and country of specialization for a book on Inner Asia published during the preceding year.

The Prize, named to honor the distinguished scholar of Tibet, Mongolia, and other areas of Inner Asia, E. Gene Smith, carries with it a $1,000 award for the author. Books nominated may address either contemporary or historical topics in any field of the humanities or the social sciences related to any of the countries and regions in the wide swath of Asia stretching from Afghanistan to Mongolia.

The contest is happening this year for the first time, and it requires a bit of work on the authors' or editors' part in getting the books to the review committee; however, hopefully everyone with
relevant books published in 2011 will consider submitting their work to the prize committee.

To be eligible, books must have a 2011 copyright date. A copy of each entry, clearly labeled "Gene Smith Prize" must be sent to each member of the committee by JUNE 30, 2012.

Either presses or individuals may submit books, and it is suggested that authors consult with their presses concerning submission. The winners will be announced at the AAS Conference in 2013. Eligible authors should be aware that since m any publishers do not automatically submit nominations, authors must assume responsibility for having their books be placed in nomination and sent to members of the prize committee.

Smith Prize Committee:

* Matthew Kapstein (Chair), 131 Bd. Brune, 75014 Paris, FRANCE
* Jonathan Lipman; Dept of History, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA 01075
* Christopher Attwood, Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University, 15 Goodbody Hall, 1011 East Third St., Bloomington, IN 47405-7005


For submissions: see list of Smith Prize Committee members above

Website: http://www.asian-studies.org
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