Deadline May 31 | Daesan Foundation Grant for the Translation, Research and Publication of Korean Literay Works

23 May 2012
Deadline May 31 | Daesan Foundation Grant for the Translation, Research and Publication of Korean Literay Works
Deadline: 31 May 2012

The DAESAN FOUNDATION, which promotes the "enrichment of Korean culture" and the "globalization of Korean culture," supports the translation, research, and publication of Korean works to foster the globalization of Korean culture and to advance cultural exchange.
The Foundation's Translation Grant selects, translates, and researches quality literary works worthy enough to globalize Korean literature, publishing these works at prestigious publishing companies of the target languages and promoting the globalization of Korean literature through the distribution of these works.

The DAESAN FOUNDATION was established according to the will of Yong-Ho "Daesan" Shin (the honorific name, Daesan, meaning "Great Mountain"), who founded Kyobo Life Insurance Co., Ltd. and is funded by Kyobo Life Insurance.


Funding for Translation: Target Literary Works for Translation: Korean literary works the translator wishes to translate and prize winning works from the 19th Annual Daesan Literary Awards. The Foundation has a list of works, selected by an advisory committee, that are recommended for translation.

Prize-winning works from the Daesan Literary Awards: Grants will be awarded to respective languages; however, when the quantity of work to be translated is excessive, up to 5,000,000 KRW can be added to the original grant.

Research Grant: Grant awards can vary according to local living costs among other factors but will remain within the established range for research grants allotted for the respective language. Support for publication costs regarding completed translation works and research. In case of wanting only the publication grant, grants will be awarded separately after a screening process.

Qualifications for Applicants

Translation (Publication) Grant: Full linguistic command of Korean and the target language and literary/ critical sensibility necessary for literary translation and research. The translation should be a team effort composed of one Korean and one native speaker, one working as the head translator and the other as the assistant translator (copy editing, proofreading). A native Korean translator who has completed the translation of a Korean literary work with a native speaker of the target language and is preparing to submit the translation for publication.

Research Grant: Any professor, researcher, student in the area of Korean literature, and any translator of Korean literature overseas. Institute working in the area of Korean literature overseas

Number of grants: Several grants will be awarded in each category and target language

Application Period: February 20, 2012 - May 31, 2012

Documents required for application / Translation (Publication) Grant
  • Application form(form 1-1)
  • Resume of the co-translator(form 1-2)
  • Sample translation(20~30 A4pages of sample translation of the work(s) to be translated)
  • The original(either the complete work or a photocopy of the portion translated in the sample)
  • Project Itinerary (form 1-3, detailed explanation of the following-- reasons for selecting the work; translation schedule; translation (publication) objectives; intended publisher and publication plan; and anticipated effect among others)
  • Statement of consent from the copyright holder for translation and publication (form 1-4, except works awarded the Daesan Literary Award)
  • List of supplementary materials (form 1-5)
Documents required for application / Research Grant
  • Application form(form 1-1)
  • Resume of the co-translator(form 1-2)
  • Project Itinerary (form 1-3, Detailed explanation of the following-- reasons for selecting the subject matter; research schedule; research (publication) objectives; intended publisher and publication plans; anticipated effect among others)
  • List of supplementary materials (form 1-5)

Screening process and announcement of selection: The screening committee will consist of scholars and translators of Korean and pertinent foreign literatures.

Criteria for Selection

▲ the applicants' translation skill as demonstrated in the sample translation/ research skill of the researcher as demonstrated in the application
▲ the literary merit of the work(s) to be translated/ appropriateness of the research subject matter
▲ the feasibility of the applicant's plans for the translation/ feasibility of the research plan
▲ the likelihood of securing a publication contract with the publisher designated on the application form

Date of announcement: winners of the grant will be notified on the web and individually in August 2011.

The required documents and materials should be submitted to Foundation headquarters by registered mail or in person . Applicant using a pen name must ensure that his or her legal name is clearly noted in the application.

Awarding of grants
  • The award will be deposited into the team leader's bank account.
  • The translation grant will be awarded in two parts, the first half immediately upon announcement, and the remainder after the completed translation is submitted and the evaluation committee endorses the quality and accuracy of the translation.
  • The research grant will be awarded in two parts, the first half immediately upon announcement, and the remainder after submitting the final research results and final report.
  • The publication grant will be awarded in two parts according to the terms of the contract between the Foundation and the publisher.

Interim Report: Grant recipients are required to submit an interim report on the progress of the translation (research) along with, at least, fifty percent of the translation (research) within six months of receiving the first installment of the grant.

  • Rights and Obligations of Grant Recipients Regarding the Finished Translation (Research):
  • The copyright of the translation (research) belongs to the translator (researcher) or the author, or jointly, according to the translation agreement between the author and the translator(s) (researcher). However, the Foundation reserves the right to publish the translation (research results) and the translators' (researcher's) final reports in its own publications for the purpose of promoting international recognition of Korean literature.
  • The completed translation will be examined by an evaluation committee.
  • The translation should be published in the country of the target language, and the translators should be actively cooperative in securing a reputable publisher. The grant recipients should cooperate with the publisher in reviewing edited copy, all proofs, cover design, cover copy, and any other materials involved in the publication of their translation.
  • Research results should be published in academic journals or presented at academic conferences; when publishing research materials, the researcher should actively cooperate in securing a publisher and be involved in the editing and proofreading process.

Failure to Submit Final Report on Translation, Research, and Publication: If the grant period, including any extension, is exceeded and the final report on translation, research, or publication remain unsubmitted to the point it is classified as long-term delinquent, in accordance with Daesan Foundation policy, the grant must be returned to the Foundation; the applicant may not re-submit an application for the translation, research, and publication of Korean literary works for three years. In the event, the grant recipient fails to submit a final report on translation, research, or publication, or the submitted material proves fraudulent, sanctions will be enacted against the translator or researcher according to Foundation guidelines and the memorandum of agreement, sanctions including a notice on the Foundation's homepage regarding the translator's or researcher's conduct.

Obligation of the Grant Recipient: If any illness, accident, or contingencies arise to prevent the grant recipients from fulfilling the terms of their contract, they should notify this information to the Foundation in writing. Grant recipients should not change the works to be translated without prior approval of the Foundation. If alteration and/or adjustment of the translation project becomes necessary, grantees should obtain prior approval from the Foundation. The Foundation's financial support should be clearly acknowledged in the preface or on the copyright page of the published book. When presenting the research results at an academic conference or publishing the results in an academic journal, the researcher should acknowledge receiving a research grant from the Foundation in the cover page or the preface. When publishing research results, the researcher must acknowledge that research and publication was made possible through a grant by the Foundation in the preface or the copyright page.

Miscellaneous Information: Application forms and materials submitted to the Foundation will not be returned. The Foundation reserves the right to cancel or suspend the grant and/or demand the return of all or part of a grant already awarded in the following cases:
  • If erroneous information is discovered in the application or supporting materials. If the grant recipients are found to have used the grant for purposes other than those specified in their contract.
  • If fulfilling the terms of the contract becomes impossible.
  • If the translation is deemed substandard by the evaluation committee.
  • If the grant recipients are found guilty of a misdemeanor.
Contingencies not specified in these guidelines will be addressed according to Foundation by-laws and rules. Grant applicants are invited to direct inquiries to Foundation headquarters regarding other particulars.

Download Korean Literary Works for 2012.doc >>


For inquiries: call (02) 721-3202-3

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