Deadline June 1 | Call for Submissions: Navigating the Heavens

24 May 2012
Deadline June 1 | Call for Submissions: Navigating the Heavens
Deadline: 1 June 2012

Whether you've seen it in your last fleeting moments with the love of your life or in watching your pup play in fresh snow for the first time, we want to read or see your story.

Navigating is now accepting submissions in poetry, non-fiction, fiction, photography and multimedia under the subject "The Light of God." This is not a religiously affiliated publication. We expect to publish submissions from Catholics, Quakers, Buddhists, Atheists and anyone else who identifies with the human condition.

We are NOT looking for the precious. We're looking for the profound, the gritty, the fantasy. We're looking for those moments which define our humanity and have us gaping with wonder at the universe and our place in it. Science fiction is most definitely welcome. If you can write about the Light of God with werewolves... bonus points.

Please send word files via .rtf to Word count should be around 4,000 maximum, but we appreciate brevity. For print / cover art, please contact us to discuss the most appropriate format. For photographs, please send .jpeg or .gif. Send a separate email to confirm receipt.

For this first publication process, the accepted pieces will be housed on the Navigating website, and then we'll move to a first printing. Navigating holds first publication rights until the print edition is released, and then all rights revert back to the artist.


For inquiries:

For submissions: send word files via .rtf to

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