Deadline: 1 June 2012
Every Day Poets is looking for your English-language haiku/senryu, tanka and haibun for a Great Big Little Poems Contest (Japanese Short Form Poetry). We will choose seven winning entries to publish over the course of a week in July 2012. Each winning poet will also get to share their thoughts on what writing poetry means for them.
All submitted haiku/senryu, tanka and haibun must meet the criteria for the appropriate category (haiku/senryu - 17 syllables or less, tanka - 5 lines, 31 syllables or less, haibun – a combination of prose poem and haiku). All poems must be the original, unpublished work of the submitter.
Each person can submit no more than two unpublished works per category–two haiku, two tanka, and two haibun—a maximum of six poems per person. Send us your best work in each category. The poet that sends a qualifying piece in each category (A haiku, a tanka, a haibun) may be eligible for a ‘showcase’ of all three of their poems on a given day in Japanese Short Form Poetry Contest Winners week.
The deadline is June 1, 2012. Submit your best Great Big Little Poems! Don’t forget to check “targeted” on your submission and designate your piece as “Japanese Short Form entry”. Submit one poem at a time, not two together in the same submission.
For submissions: via the online submission form
Every Day Poets is looking for your English-language haiku/senryu, tanka and haibun for a Great Big Little Poems Contest (Japanese Short Form Poetry). We will choose seven winning entries to publish over the course of a week in July 2012. Each winning poet will also get to share their thoughts on what writing poetry means for them.
All submitted haiku/senryu, tanka and haibun must meet the criteria for the appropriate category (haiku/senryu - 17 syllables or less, tanka - 5 lines, 31 syllables or less, haibun – a combination of prose poem and haiku). All poems must be the original, unpublished work of the submitter.
Each person can submit no more than two unpublished works per category–two haiku, two tanka, and two haibun—a maximum of six poems per person. Send us your best work in each category. The poet that sends a qualifying piece in each category (A haiku, a tanka, a haibun) may be eligible for a ‘showcase’ of all three of their poems on a given day in Japanese Short Form Poetry Contest Winners week.
The deadline is June 1, 2012. Submit your best Great Big Little Poems! Don’t forget to check “targeted” on your submission and designate your piece as “Japanese Short Form entry”. Submit one poem at a time, not two together in the same submission.
For submissions: via the online submission form