Deadline Extedned - The Script Road: Macau Literary Festival Short Story Competition (Macau/ worldwide)

31 May 2012
Deadline Extedned - The Script Road: Macau Literary Festival Short Story Competition (Macau/ worldwide)
Deadline: 30 June 2012

Macau was for centuries fertile ground for literary creation. Through here many have passed – and written about this place – different men and women. The short story competition that is now present intends to help revitalize the act of writing about Macau – in Chinese, Portuguese and English.

The Script Road short story competition will accept works in three languages and the final jury will consist of the writers Su Tong (Chinese), José Luís Peixoto (Portuguese) and Xu Xi (English). They will be the ones to decide who the winners are.


a) The competition is addressed to all people without any constraints of age, nationality or residence.

b) The immediate families of members of the organization and members of the jury cannot compete, nor can any persons connected with newspaper Ponto Final, the Sociedade de Artes e Letras and the organization of The Script Road festival.


a) All stories must have Macau as a backdrop, as the theme. They should, in some way, be about Macau.

b) Each entrant may submit up to two stories maximum. Entries must be original and may be in Chinese, Portuguese or English.

c) The text should have a maximum of five thousand words in Portuguese and English, and ten thousand words in Chinese.


a) The competition stories should be delivered at the premises of the newspaper Ponto Final (Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No. 43-53A, Macau Square Building, 13K,) up to 20h of the day May 31, 2012.

b) The works sent by mail must bear the stamp with a dispatch date before May 31, 2012.

c) Projects must be delivered in a sealed envelope containing the inscription on the outside “The Script Road story competition.”

d) Participants should place four copies of each story on A4 paper inside the envelope. The text should be formatted in 12-point, 1.5line spacing and Arial font, in the case of short stories in English and Portuguese, and SimSun in the case of the stories in Chinese. Entrants must also include in the envelope a photocopy of any identification document.


a) The jury will initially consist of a group of people invited by the organization of the Script Road and by members of the festival organizers. There will be a jury for the competition in each of the languages. This committee will make a first pre-selection of five texts, which are then to be put forward for consideration by the final jury. Su Tong (Chinese), José Luís Peixoto (Portuguese) and Xu Xi (English) are the three writers who will select the winners.

b) The jury reserves the right not to award any winner if the work submitted does not have the desired quality or is not in accordance with the scope and theme of the contest.


The winning stories (one in each language) will be translated into other languages and published in a book to be presented at the next edition of The Script Road. The book, with editions in Chinese, Portuguese and English, will bring together the tales of Macau written by authors invited to the first edition of the festival. The winners will, in this way, see their published works alongside names of the jury writers themselves and other names such as Jade Y. Chen and José Rodrigues dos Santos.


a) Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of this regulation.

b) All information is available at

c) Entries in the contest will not be returned to their authors.

d) The Script Road reserves the right to publish, in the original and translated versions, the distinguished work in the competition. The copyright for the first publication (in periodical publications and book) belongs to the editor and the subsequent to the respective authors.


For inquiries:

For submissions: Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No. 43-53A, Macau Square Building, 13K

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