Deadline: 25 July 2012
Most of you have been contributing articles with CoolAvenues on management as well as non management topics. We know that b-schools around India have huge hidden talent pool of writers. And here we are making an effort to bring out that talent and reward it by way of CoolAvenues ‘Best Summer Internship Experience Writing Competition’.
Second year B-School junta from India and abroad are invited to participate in the contest by sending us an article on “Summer Internships: The Good, the Bad”
Put your experience on paper. Tell us about your first hands on with the corporate world—things you would like to appreciate and what you won’t… be true to us, be true to yourself. Write about how far the dream from reality was or how near was it.
Kindly do not get into technical details of your project.
WORD LIMIT: 650 words at least.
The article should not look like a promotional piece about your b-school or the company you interned with.
The articles will be submitted directly to us after that the three stage selection process will begin. In the first stage, CoolAvenues editorial team will access each and every article to find out if an article deems fit to be sent to the second stage of selection where we will publish all the selected ones on CoolAvenues website. Top 15 articles having maximum number of Facebook likes and shares will go to the third stage, where judges shall give marks to all the 15 entries on a scale of 10.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Wednesday, July 25, 2011, 11:42 pm.
Email your entries to
1. The article.
2. Your Name, B-school name and brief bio (to be included with your article in case it is published).
3. A latest photo of yourself
For inquiries/ submissions:
Most of you have been contributing articles with CoolAvenues on management as well as non management topics. We know that b-schools around India have huge hidden talent pool of writers. And here we are making an effort to bring out that talent and reward it by way of CoolAvenues ‘Best Summer Internship Experience Writing Competition’.
Second year B-School junta from India and abroad are invited to participate in the contest by sending us an article on “Summer Internships: The Good, the Bad”
Put your experience on paper. Tell us about your first hands on with the corporate world—things you would like to appreciate and what you won’t… be true to us, be true to yourself. Write about how far the dream from reality was or how near was it.
Kindly do not get into technical details of your project.
WORD LIMIT: 650 words at least.
- Ist Prize – Rs.3000
- 2nd Prize – Rs.2000
- 3rd Prize – Rs.1000
- Next 10 winners will get CoolAvenues merchandised T-Shirts and a certificate.
The article should not look like a promotional piece about your b-school or the company you interned with.
The articles will be submitted directly to us after that the three stage selection process will begin. In the first stage, CoolAvenues editorial team will access each and every article to find out if an article deems fit to be sent to the second stage of selection where we will publish all the selected ones on CoolAvenues website. Top 15 articles having maximum number of Facebook likes and shares will go to the third stage, where judges shall give marks to all the 15 entries on a scale of 10.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Wednesday, July 25, 2011, 11:42 pm.
Email your entries to
1. The article.
2. Your Name, B-school name and brief bio (to be included with your article in case it is published).
3. A latest photo of yourself
For inquiries/ submissions: