Call for Submissions for the Debut Issue of Rose Red Review (worldwide)

18 May 2012
Call for Submissions for the Debut Issue of Rose Red Review (worldwide)
Deadline: 10 June 2012

Editor Larissa Nash is excited to announce the forthcoming debut issue of Rose Red Review! If you would like to submit your art, fiction, photography, and/or poetry, please read about the publication, review the guidelines, and then submit your work by midnight (wherever you are) on June 10, 2012. The debut issue will appear ten days later, to mark the passage of Spring.


Rose Red is the outdoorsy, curious sister of Snow White, a shy, delicate wallflower. Rose Red represents warmth, passion, and the thirst for knowledge; it is she who invites the cursed bear-prince into the home she shares with her sister. Rose Red is enamored with life, and she possesses a sense of adventure. If she were a real girl, Rose Red would seek out the magic in the every day: a sandy riverbank, a new song, strange happenings in an airport. In difficult times, she would recognize the nature of hardship: a hurdle to overcome.

Rose Red Review is published online four times a year, in homage to the passing season. In fairy tales, the future is unknown, often summarized by the vague phrase “happily ever after,” but each character is influenced by his or her past, and we, like the characters, live in the moment as we read their story. Rose Red Review seeks to publish art, photography, fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry that best reflects the magic in the every day–work that honors the past, the moment, and the uncertain future.

Rose Red Review loves magical realism and pieces that possess a fairy tale element. If you would like to submit spoken word, or an original song and lyrics, please submit it as poetry, with a note containing a link to an audio or video file. (Unfortunately, Rose Red Review cannot host your audio or video files.) You may send prose and poetry with mild elements of fantasy and science fiction. Horror and dystopian work–in any medium–is welcome, provided it is compelling. Death and decay is mysterious; as such, it represents the darker magic in the every day. The editor of Rose Red Review particularly enjoys the broad theme of death and rebirth.

Rose Red Review is open for submissions during the following times:
  • March 30, 2012 – June 10, 2012
  • June 30, 2012 – September 12, 2012
  • October 2, 2012 – December 11, 2012

A new issue will be published on the following dates:
  • June 20, 2012: The Summer Solstice
  • September 22, 2012: The Autumn Equinox
  • December 21, 2012: The Winter Solstice (Don’t worry–the world won’t end before the new issue is published!)

Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Please do not submit previously published work. If a piece accepted to Rose Red Review is accepted elsewhere during the reading period, you need not withdraw it; simply notify the editor. If you wish, she will list its publication credits.

The editor will do her best to respond to your submission(s) within one month. If your work is rejected during a reading period, you may submit a different piece within the same reading period. (In fact, you are encouraged to do so! A rejection has no bearing on the quality of your piece.) If you have not heard from the editor within six weeks, please feel free to query.


For inquiries:

For submissions: via submishmash

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