Islamic Writers' Alliance Annual Poetry Contest 2012

14 April 2012
Islamic Writers' Alliance Annual Poetry Contest 2012
Deadline: 30 April 2012

The purpose of IWA, Inc., is the promotion of literacy. IWA, Inc. has established annual projects as our goals to meet this purpose: writing contests and book awards to Islamic school libraries.

The IWA will conduct the 8th Annual IWA Poetry Contest in April 2012. This year's contest is a themed contest, with Taqwa (or piety) as the general theme.

All poetry for Islamic Writers Alliance Annual Poetry contests must conform to the following general guidelines. Poems that do not adhere to these standards will be automatically disqualified from the competition.

· Poetry must be of an Islamic theme

· For 2012, the Theme of the Contest is Taqwa, so all poems submitted must fit within this broad topic

· Poetry must consist of at least 2 but no more than 100 lines

· Poetry may be of any ‘type’ of poetry, including but not limited to ballad, couplet, iambic pentameter, quatrain, cinquain, sonnet, haiku, epic, free verse, and even light verse, limerick and spoken word

· Poetry contest has 3 categories of submission

o IWA Members –

o Adults – authors 18 and over who are not members of IWA

o Youth – authors under the age of 18 who are not members of IWA

· Maximum of 1 submission per individual

· Entries that have won previously cannot be resubmitted

· Poems will only be accepted as plain text (ASCII) format in the body of email, as an attachment in Microsoft Word or as a PDF

· Poems must be submitted via email

· Poems must include authors name, category, email address, mailing address and phone number and title of poem

· Poems that are submitted by youth under the age of 18 must also include a statement from a parent or legal guardian authorizing the IWA’s public use of poem on the website

· Teachers may submit ‘class’ poetry as individual submissions from one school

· Poems are the legal property of the author

· IWA retains the right to disqualify and reject submissions deemed inappropriate


For inquiries:

For submissions: Poems must be submitted to

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