Call for Papers: Asia Pacific Journal for Arts Education

24 April 2012
Call for Papers: Asia Pacific Journal for Arts Education
Deadline: 2 June 2012

Special issue on “Current Issues, Trends and Practices in Drama/Theatre Education: Perspectives from the Asia Pacific and Beyond” Deadline for full paper submission for review is 10 June 2012.

We invite contributions for a special issue of Asia Pacific Journal for Arts Education that explores current issues, trends and practices in drama/theatre education in the context of recent educational reforms, global economic crisis, and the formulation of the Seoul Agenda for Arts in Education. While perspectives from the Asia Pacific will be the main focus, we welcome submissions from other educational jurisdictions beyond the region.

Example of topics may include, but are not limited to:

• Programs and degrees in drama/theatre education
• Drama/theatre in the broader curriculum
• Drama/theatre in educational, community and social Contexts
• Implementation examples and issues
• Evaluation and assessment
• Good practice examples
• Industry-university (or university-university) partnerships
• Curriculum development in drama/theatre education
• Pedagogical issues
• Research perspectives for drama/theatre education.

Reference to UNESCO’s Seoul Agenda may be found here.

Authors will be notified about the status of their submissions during the week of May 6, 2012. The final manuscript revisions of accepted submissions (complete with rights, permissions for images, etc.) must be received no later than June 2, 2012.

Manuscripts of about 6000 words should be prepared in conformity with the APA style. Articles should be submitted as e-mail attachments, using Microsoft Word format. Please note that all correspondence will be conducted by e-mail. Full paper submissions must be received no later than June 10, 2012; please email articles to Samuel Leong .

All papers will be blind reviewed.

Special Issue Editor: Samuel Leong


For inquiries: direct questions regarding submissions to

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