Call for Contributions - Sanghiran: The Multidisciplinary Journal of the Leyte Normal University (Philippines)

05 April 2012
Call for Contributions - Sanghiran: The Multidisciplinary Journal of the Leyte Normal University (Philippines)
Deadline: 30 April 2012

Sanghiran is from the Waray root word, sanghid, which means to consult, confer with, or converse. It was also the name of a group of illustrious writers in the early 1900s led by prominent literary figures in the Waray language such as Iluminado Lucente, Eduardo Makabenta, Casiano Trinchera, and Norberto Romualdez. They established themselves as the Sanghiran san Binisaya whose goal was to propagate the Waray language, literature, and culture.

True to the intellectual example of early Waray writers, Sanghiran, as the annual multidisciplinary journal of the Leyte Normal University, envisions itself as a space of conversation for all disciplines. We see the journal as an engagement into knowledge production, expansion, and exchange, where ideas are proposed, and where long-held assumptions are contested.

Every year, the journal chooses a theme. For its maiden issue, the theme is “Mother Tongue Education: From Theory to Practice” further broken down into the following sub-themes:
  • Education in a multilingual context
  • Teaching the first language in a multilingual context
  • Teaching a second language in a multilingual context
  • Teaching the four language skills in a multilingual setting
  • Mother tongue education in the Philippines and the world
  • Language policy and implementation
  • Translation studies in the first language and mother tongue education
  • Discourse analysis in mother tongue education
  • Teaching the mother tongue through local literature
  • Critical literacy and mother tongue education
  • Reflective teaching in mother tongue instruction
  • Culturally responsive teaching in the construction of instructional support materials
  • Teacher identity and empowerment in mother tongue education
  • Other similar topics.

Researchers, scholars, and educators are invited to submit papers to the journal for consideration. To guide your manuscript preparation, here are the journal’s Guidelines for Authors:

1. Articles should be original and must not be under consideration for any other publication.

2. Articles should be as long as 5,000 to 7,000 words including notes and the list of references. Longer articles will be considered on a case by case basis.

3. In keeping with the spirit of multidisciplinarity, our journal seeks to bring research knowledge to a broader audience from various disciplines. Articles, thus, should use academic jargon sparingly. If there is a need to use jargon, such should be explained in ways that could be understood by a lay audience.

4. Manuscripts should be double-spaced except for notes and list of references, which should be single-spaced. Articles must be typed in Arial, size 12, and with one-inch margin on all sides in an A4 paper.

5. Notes, tables, graphs, photographs, illustrations, and figures should be kept at a minimum.

6. References and in-text citations should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) format.

7. The journal follows a double-blind refereeing system. As such, all references to the author’s identity must be removed in the article, notes, and list of references. Authors are required to fill out the submission form which requires title of the article, author(s), an abstract of 200 words, a list of five keywords, word count, a five-line biography of author(s), institutional affiliation, contact information, and file name of paper.

8. Reading period for submitted articles is three months. Because we depend on the referees’ goodwill, it might even take longer. Authors are advised to inquire on the status of their submission if there has been no response from us after three months. Inquiries should be directed to the Research Director at

9. Authors are responsible for securing all the necessary permits for any part of the article copyrighted to someone else. Articles, once published, are copyrighted to the author and to the Leyte Normal University.

10. Manuscripts should be submitted in pdf, doc, or docx files as email attachment to Deadline for submissions is April 30, 2012.


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