2012 Taiwanese American Heritage Writing Contest

19 April 2012
2012 Taiwanese American Heritage Writing Contest
Deadline: 20 April 2012

(Note: e-mail submissions are now accepted for TAHW Essay Contest. Please submit to Jennifer Fan, Competition Coordinator, at fanjennifer09@gmail.com. Entry form must be included with essay submission.)


Use your creativity to express the difficult and inspiring lessons of the immigrants.

Pick a topic(s) from below:

• Acts of courage and heroism.
• Preserving humanity in situations of great adversity.
• History and lessons of the Immigrants.
• How did you adjust difference cultural?
• How to promote ethnic harmony, communication and understanding?
• How to promote Taiwanese American heritage, citizens and family values?
• How to perpetuate an immigrant’s Taiwanese culture?
• How does immigration promote economic development?
• How does immigration help to balance the rights of U.S.A. citizens?


• There will be three divisions. A student may only submit one entry.
• Must be typed and double-spaced on one side of the paper.
• Please use paper clips rather than staples.
• Three copies must be submitted.
• A panel of judges will evaluate the entry on content, originality and quality of expression.
• Division 1 grades 1-6: The entry may not exceed 500 words.
• Division 2 grades 7-12: The entry may not exceed 1,000 words.
• Division 3 College Student: The entry may not exceed 1,500 words.


• Plagiarism.
• Entry does not adhere to guidelines as stated.
• Entry is received after the 5:00 pm Friday, April 20, 2012 deadline.

All entries remain the property of the Joint Alumni Association of Taiwan Teachers College and Normal University and will not be returned. By your participation in the contest, you grant the Joint Alumni Association of Taiwan Teachers College and Normal University permission to publish the winning entries in brochures, flyers, other Museum publications and exhibitions. Photo reproductions of the winning entries may also be made available to the news media.

Entries must be received by the Joint Alumni Association of Taiwan Teachers College and Normal University no later than 5:00 p.m. Friday, April 20 2012. By mail only, hand delivery not accepted.

All entries must be accompanied by an official entry form. You may find these forms at Taiwan Center in Rosemead, CA. Contestant & parent/guardian's signature is required for the entry form submission.
  • Division 1: 1st–6th Grade
  • Division 2: 7th–12th Grade
  • Division 3: College Student


All entries must be submitted as hard copy no later than 5:00 p.m. Friday, April 20, 2012. By mail only, hand delivery not accepted.

Mail contest entries to:

Joint Alumni Association of Taiwan Teachers College and Normal University
P.O. Box 4388, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-0388

I have read and understood the rules and regulations of this contest and understand that the Joint Alumni Association of Taiwan Teachers College and Normal University will not return the entry. I certify that the entry submitted is an original effort and all information provided above is correct. I further understand that Joint Alumni Association of Taiwan Teachers College and Normal University reserves the right to reproduce, publish and exhibit any entry at its sole discretion, using the name of the contestant where possible.

  • First Place Second Place Third Place Honorable Mentions
  • Division 1 $300 $200 $100 $50
  • Division 2 $500 $300 $200 $50
  • Division 3 $1,000 $700 $500 $100
  • All winning entries will receive a plaque.

Winning Writing entries will be chosen from each division. Winners will be notified by Friday, May 13, 2012. Winners will be award during Taiwanese America Heritage Week on Sunday, May 20, 2012 in Barnes Park, 320 West New Mark Avenue, Monterey Park, CA 91754

Sponsored by:

- Joint Alumni Association of Taiwan Teachers College and Normal University
- Hakka Foundation
- Taiwanese American Heritage Week Foundation
- Taiwan Center Foundation of Greater Los Angeles

Download the entry form here >>


For inquiries: fanjennifer09@gmail.com

For submissions: submit to Jennifer Fan, Competition Coordinator, at fanjennifer09@gmail.com

Website: http://www.taiwancenter.org/
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