Deadline: 1 August 2012
The Bernard S. Cohn Book Prize honors outstanding and innovative scholarship across discipline and country of specialization for a first single-authored monograph on South Asia, published during the preceding year. The Prize, named to honor the distinguished scholar, Bernard S. Cohn, carries with it a $1,000 award for the author. Books nominated may address either contemporary or historical topics in any field of the humanities or the social sciences related to any of the countries of South Asia: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal in the spirit of Barney Cohn's broad and critical scholarship on culture and history in South Asia.
Nominations for the Prize may be made by authors, publishers, or other interested members in the field. To be eligible, books must have a 2011 copyright date. Prior publication of an edited volume, exhibition catalog, or translations without critical apparatus does not necessarily disqualify authors; a list of such publications, if any, must accompany the submission. A copy of nominated books must be sent to each member of the selection committee listed below by the AUGUST 1, 2012 deadline. The winner will be announced at the AAS conference next spring.
Cohn Prize Committee:
For submissions: see list of Cohn Prize Committee members above
The Bernard S. Cohn Book Prize honors outstanding and innovative scholarship across discipline and country of specialization for a first single-authored monograph on South Asia, published during the preceding year. The Prize, named to honor the distinguished scholar, Bernard S. Cohn, carries with it a $1,000 award for the author. Books nominated may address either contemporary or historical topics in any field of the humanities or the social sciences related to any of the countries of South Asia: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal in the spirit of Barney Cohn's broad and critical scholarship on culture and history in South Asia.
Nominations for the Prize may be made by authors, publishers, or other interested members in the field. To be eligible, books must have a 2011 copyright date. Prior publication of an edited volume, exhibition catalog, or translations without critical apparatus does not necessarily disqualify authors; a list of such publications, if any, must accompany the submission. A copy of nominated books must be sent to each member of the selection committee listed below by the AUGUST 1, 2012 deadline. The winner will be announced at the AAS conference next spring.
Cohn Prize Committee:
- John Kelly (Chair), 62 South Grand Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
- Leela Fernandes, 3455 Brentwood Court, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
- Daud Ali, 820 Williams Hall, 255 S. 36th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305
For submissions: see list of Cohn Prize Committee members above