Cha Flash Fiction Contest (Asia-wide)

11 March 2012
Cha Flash Fiction Contest (Asia-wide)
Deadline: 15 July 2012


This contest is run by Cha: An Asian Literary Journal. It is for unpublished flash stories in English language on the theme of "Misinterpretation".


-Each writer can submit up to two pieces (no more than 250 words each).
-The pieces must be previously unpublished.
-Entry is free.


-First: £50, Second: £30, Third: £20 - Payable through Paypal.
-All three winning pieces will receive first publication in a special section in the fifth anniversary issue of Cha.


-Reid Mitchell [profile]
-Tammy Ho [profile]


Submissions should be sent to with the subject line "Flash Fiction Contest". The work can be sent in the body of the email or as a Word attachment. Please also include a short biography of no more than 30 words.


For inquiries:

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