Call for Submissions for Proposed Book: Multiculturalism in Indian Literatures

28 March 2012
Call for Submissions for Proposed Book: Multiculturalism in Indian Literatures
Deadline: 30 April 2012

Articles are invited for the proposed book on “Multiculturalism in Indian Literatures”. The Department of English, Kakatiya University, Warangal-506009 conducted a seminar on this subject during March 19 & 20, 2012 under SAP-DRS-I of UGC. It is now proposed to publish the proceedings of the seminar in the form of a book by adding a few more invited articles to them. Hence we invite articles of considerable standard from the scholars in the area. The publication aims at bringing out the diversity of Indian literatures of different languages with a view to relating them to the matters of culture, ideology, nationality, ethnicity, social class and/or gender as part of the Indian multicultural ethos. The perspective of multiculturalism enables us to explore the deep structures of meaning, value systems and beliefs underlying art and literature. Multiculturalism questions the dominant ways of seeing things and presents alternative views of the world. An insurrectionary imagination driven by the hunger for new processes of art and protest is at the heart of multiculturalism or cultural activism.

We propose to examine the ideological issues involved in the three major thrust areas of the project, namely—Women Writing in English and Feminist Movements, Dalit Literature and Movements, Bhakti Literature and Movements which sought to transcend the barriers of caste, creed and colour. As the subject is interdisciplinary and comparative in its import, we welcome papers dealing with Cultural Studies and Comparative Studies done in Indian literatures reflecting on the role and nature of the new literatures, and their ideological and cultural deep structures, and the way the postcolonial writers have interrogated the established beliefs and systems to uphold humanism based on the values of liberty, equality, and fraternity. The focus should be on the ideological issues of caste, gender, religion, and social movements with a view to bringing out the multicultural diversity of India.

The following are the broad areas suggested:

(a) The concept of Multiculturalism: Origin and development
(b) Multiculturalism in India
(c) Multiculturalism in Indian Literatures
(d) Feminist movements
(e) Regional Women Writing from feminist perspective
(f)Bhakti Literature: Alwars, Nayanars, Karaikkal Ammaiyar, Bahinabai, Ganga Sati, Janabai, Tulasidas, Chaitanya, Kabir, Mira Bai, Tukaram, Adi Shankara, Madhavacharya, Srimadramanuja, Annamayya, Kshetrayya, Rudrakavi, Basavanna, Mahadeviakka, Allama Prabhu, Sri Aurobindo, Tagore, etc.
(g) Bhakti Movements and Social Reform: Vira Shaiva, Vaishnava, Haridasa Movements
(h) Dalit Literature with special focus on Marathi, Tamil and Telugu writing
(i) Dalit Movements and the nature of protest
(j) Dalit Literature: Form and Purpose
(k) Dalit Literature: Ambedkarism
(l) Dalit Literature: Marxism
(m) Aesthetic considerations in interpreting Dalit literature
(n) Dalit women writing/Autobiographies

The list of the topics is only illustrative, and not exhaustive. The intending contributors can send both hard and soft copies of their papers to (Prof M. Rajagopalachary, Coordinator, SAP-DRS-I, & Principal, University Arts & Science College, (Kakatiya University), Warangal-506001; Andhra Pradesh, India. Mobile: 09866558275). The papers should not exceed 3000 words each. Deadline for sending the abstracts is April 30, 2012.


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