Deadline: 31 March 2012
The Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA) today invites mid career journalists from Southeast Asia to apply for its 11th annual Journalism Fellowship Programme.
The fellowship theme for the year, titled “Documenting threats to the rivers of Southeast Asia: Looking through the journalist’s lens”, is to focus on the management of rivers and the impact of climate change and development on water resources as well as the communities living along the rivers.
Applicants should be working journalists from Southeast Asian countries (see below) with at least 5 years experience in writing for print, broadcast or online media, either as staff or freelance writers:
1. Brunei
2. Burma
3. Cambodia
4. Indonesia
5. Laos
6. Malaysia
7. Philippines
8. Singapore
9. Thailand
10. Timor Lorosae
11. Vietnam
Applicants must demonstrate experience writing in-depth stories on social, political or economic issues in their countries. (Submit at least 2 samples)
Deadline: All application forms and supporting documents must reach SEAPA office via email or post before 17:00 p.m., 31st March 2012. Late applications will not be considered.
Applicants who have demonstrated interest in social, political, economic, environment, investigative journalism will have an advantage.
Women are encouraged to apply.
Interested applicants must submit 2 samples of their articles from the last 6 months. For articles written in other languages than English, kindly submit a translated version in English. Please submit your sample work together with the application forms.
All program content and communication will be conducted in English in order to facilitate discussions and sharing as best as possible.
Applications will be rejected if (any of the following) occurred:
1. Late submission
2. Incomplete application form
3. Story proposal not in line with the theme
4. Work plan not submitted
5. References not provided
Applicants will be reviewed on these criteria:
1. Meet eligibility criteria (see above)
2. Relevance to the theme
3. Strong story proposal
4. Good personal statement
5. Practicability of the story idea/work plan
EDITORIAL GUIDELINES 2012 SEAPA Journalism Fellowship
1. Stories
Fellows are required to submit articles from their field work. They may choose from one of the following options:
1. One main story [3,500 words] and 1 side bar [1,000 words]
2. Two stories [2,500 words each]
3. One main story [2,500 words] with one side bar [800 words] and a visual output [10 minutes]
Fellows also commit to being available for editorial consultation for the final outputs that will be published on SEAPA website and as a compilation in hard copy.
2. Style
In depth pieces that are aimed at helping readers get better understanding of the society, its politics and culture. Articles should also be written with a regional audience in mind, as they will be published through SEAPA’s information networks.
Stories submitted to SEAPA editorial team must be written in English (though stories can be written in the first language of the participant for their news organizations where necessary, and then translated)
Spot stories are not included in the submission to SEAPA but those who would like to write spot stories for their news organizations are welcome to do so.
3. Photos
Stories should be accompanied by photographs taken from the field or sourced legally from external parties and appropriately credited.
Pix size – 1MB each
Photos should be accurately and adequately captioned.
For the purpose of the publication of the articles, the organizers request that fellows submit at least 10 photos.
4. Debriefing
Fellows will share their stories and photos when they meet at the debriefing to be held in Bangkok from [July 14‐19]. Here, fellows will also make a five‐minute presentation on their experiences while on assignment and to document their time in the second country, which can be shared with future fellows.
The debriefing session is also a time to work on the stories and seek editorial advice.
5. Deadlines
Drafts should be completed for the main stories at the end of the debriefing workshop. Fellows will have time during the debriefing session to finalise their drafts. Those who prefer to write in their language other than English are encouraged to do so (please note deadlines).
• Stories in English
The final stories and side bars/accompanying stories should be sent not later than 2 week upon return.
• Non‐English stories
The final stories and side bars/accompanying stories should be sent not later than a week upon return. SEAPA needs time for translation into English.
Download application form >>
For inquiries:
The Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA) today invites mid career journalists from Southeast Asia to apply for its 11th annual Journalism Fellowship Programme.
The fellowship theme for the year, titled “Documenting threats to the rivers of Southeast Asia: Looking through the journalist’s lens”, is to focus on the management of rivers and the impact of climate change and development on water resources as well as the communities living along the rivers.
Applicants should be working journalists from Southeast Asian countries (see below) with at least 5 years experience in writing for print, broadcast or online media, either as staff or freelance writers:
1. Brunei
2. Burma
3. Cambodia
4. Indonesia
5. Laos
6. Malaysia
7. Philippines
8. Singapore
9. Thailand
10. Timor Lorosae
11. Vietnam
Applicants must demonstrate experience writing in-depth stories on social, political or economic issues in their countries. (Submit at least 2 samples)
Deadline: All application forms and supporting documents must reach SEAPA office via email or post before 17:00 p.m., 31st March 2012. Late applications will not be considered.
Applicants who have demonstrated interest in social, political, economic, environment, investigative journalism will have an advantage.
Women are encouraged to apply.
Interested applicants must submit 2 samples of their articles from the last 6 months. For articles written in other languages than English, kindly submit a translated version in English. Please submit your sample work together with the application forms.
All program content and communication will be conducted in English in order to facilitate discussions and sharing as best as possible.
Applications will be rejected if (any of the following) occurred:
1. Late submission
2. Incomplete application form
3. Story proposal not in line with the theme
4. Work plan not submitted
5. References not provided
Applicants will be reviewed on these criteria:
1. Meet eligibility criteria (see above)
2. Relevance to the theme
3. Strong story proposal
4. Good personal statement
5. Practicability of the story idea/work plan
EDITORIAL GUIDELINES 2012 SEAPA Journalism Fellowship
1. Stories
Fellows are required to submit articles from their field work. They may choose from one of the following options:
1. One main story [3,500 words] and 1 side bar [1,000 words]
2. Two stories [2,500 words each]
3. One main story [2,500 words] with one side bar [800 words] and a visual output [10 minutes]
Fellows also commit to being available for editorial consultation for the final outputs that will be published on SEAPA website and as a compilation in hard copy.
2. Style
In depth pieces that are aimed at helping readers get better understanding of the society, its politics and culture. Articles should also be written with a regional audience in mind, as they will be published through SEAPA’s information networks.
Stories submitted to SEAPA editorial team must be written in English (though stories can be written in the first language of the participant for their news organizations where necessary, and then translated)
Spot stories are not included in the submission to SEAPA but those who would like to write spot stories for their news organizations are welcome to do so.
3. Photos
Stories should be accompanied by photographs taken from the field or sourced legally from external parties and appropriately credited.
Pix size – 1MB each
Photos should be accurately and adequately captioned.
For the purpose of the publication of the articles, the organizers request that fellows submit at least 10 photos.
4. Debriefing
Fellows will share their stories and photos when they meet at the debriefing to be held in Bangkok from [July 14‐19]. Here, fellows will also make a five‐minute presentation on their experiences while on assignment and to document their time in the second country, which can be shared with future fellows.
The debriefing session is also a time to work on the stories and seek editorial advice.
5. Deadlines
Drafts should be completed for the main stories at the end of the debriefing workshop. Fellows will have time during the debriefing session to finalise their drafts. Those who prefer to write in their language other than English are encouraged to do so (please note deadlines).
• Stories in English
The final stories and side bars/accompanying stories should be sent not later than 2 week upon return.
• Non‐English stories
The final stories and side bars/accompanying stories should be sent not later than a week upon return. SEAPA needs time for translation into English.
Download application form >>
For inquiries: