Inspired by Tagore International Writing Competition (Sampad South Asian Arts/ British Council)

01 July 2011
Inspired by Tagore International Writing Competition (Sampad South Asian Arts/ British Council)
Deadline: 31 January 2012

This year sampad is delighted to be celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of Rabindranath Tagore with Inspired by Tagore an international writing competition. Tagore was a hugely influential South Asian poet and many sampad projects have celebrated his legacy or been sparked by a line of his poetry.

Entry forms with full details can be downloaded below or email The closing date is 31 January 2012 and any writer from the age of 8 onwards, with an interest in South Asian Culture, can enter.

There are 2 categories: one for writers aged between 8 and 15, one for writers aged 16 and over.

Entries can be poetry, short stories or reportage, and writers can submit up to 6 pieces of work, maximum length 400 words, using Tagore’s poetry and writing as a starting point.

All winners will be notified by May 2012. The winning entries will be published in a book that will be launched in 2012 and winners will be given a copy of this book.

There will be a special prize for the overall winners: Best writer in 8 to 15 category will receive £200 and best writer in 16 and over category will receive £300. All winning writers will be published.

  • Please complete all sections of the entry form. Only typed/word processed submissions are acceptable. Use continuation sheets if necessary.
  • Any writer from the age of 8 onwards, with an interest in South Asian Culture, can enter.
  • There are 2 categories: one for writers aged between 8 and 15, one for writers aged 16 and over. Please state your age on your entry form.
  • Entries can be poetry, short stories, reportage, and writers can submit up to 6 pieces of work, maximum length 400 words, using Tagore’s poetry and writing as a starting point.
  • Each piece must be given a title and must be in English.
  • Entries must not have been published or broadcast previously, and must be the original work of the author. Please note entries cannot be returned under any circumstances.
  • The closing date is 31 January 2012.
  • Completed entry forms should be emailed to: or printed off and posted tosampad, c/o mac, Cannon Hill Park, Edgbaston, Birmingham B12 9QH, UK
  • All winners will be notified by May 2012. The winning entries will be published in a book that will be launched in 2012 and winners will be given a copy of this book.
  • There will be a special prize for the overall winners:
  • Best writer in 8 to 15 category will receive £200 and best writer in 16 and over category will receive £300. All winning writers will be published.

The copyright of each piece remains with the author. Authors of the winning works will grant sampad the right to publish or broadcast the works. Other uses of the pieces are subject to permission from sampad.


The judges’ decision is final. No other correspondence will be entered into.

Download entry form >>

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