Call for Book Reviewers on East Asian Integration Issues

02 July 2011
Call for Book Reviewers on East Asian Integration Issues
The field of Asian bilateral and multilateral integration is ever increasing, and so is the academic output in the field. extends this invitation for scholars and practitioners to review books for our website on East Asian economic integration. If you are interested in reviewing books for, please send an e-mail message
mentioning "book reviews" as well as the title(s), you want to review, with a short biographical note and a specification of your area of interest to Dr. Bernhard Seliger (

Currently, the following books are available for review

Asia's Flying Geese: How regionalization Shapes Japan, Walter F. Hatch, Cornell University Press, 2010, US, 291 pages, 24.95 $

Asia's Free Trade Agreement: How is business responding, Edited by Masahiro Kawai and Ganeshan Wignaraja, 2010, UK, £75

Asian Cross-border marriage Migration: Demographic Patterns and Social Issues, edited by Wen-Shan Yang and Melody Chia-Wen Lu, Amsterdam University Press, 2010, Amsterdam, 49.50 $

Asian Regionalism and Japan: The Politics of Membership in Regional Diplomatic, Financial and Trade Groups, Shintaro Hamanaka, Routledge, 2009, UK, 234 pages, 75£

Asian Regionalism In The World Economy: Engine for Dynamism and Stability, ed. By Masahiro Kawai, Jong-Wha Lee and Peter A. Petri, Carl J. Shapiro, Edward Elgar, 2010, UK, 95£

Australia's Foreign Economic Policy and ASEAN, Jiro Okamoto, ISEAS, Singapore, 2010, 297 pages, 44.60£

China and Asian Regionalism, by Yunling Zhang, World Scientific, 2009, Singapore, 240 pp., US$96

China, the Developing World, and the New Global Dynamic, edited by Lowell Dittmer and George T. Yu, Rienner, 2010, UK, 250 pages, 22.50$

China-ASEAN Relations and the Law, Zou keyuan, Chandos Publishing, UK, 2009, 65£

China's pan-Pearl River delta : regional cooperation and development, ed. by Anthony G. O. Yeh and Jiang Xu, Hong Kong University Press, 2011, Hong Kong, 243 pages, 35.00$

Comparative Regionalism, edited by Fred H. Lawson, Ashgate, UK, 2008, 567 pages, 165£

Competitiveness of the ASEAN Countries: Corporate and Regulatory Drivers, Edited by Philippe Gugler and Julien Chaisse, Edward Elgar, 2010, UK, 315 pages, 79.95£

Cross Regional Trade Agreement: Understanding Permeated Regionalism in East Asia, edited by Saori N. Katada Mireya Solis, Springer, 2008, Berlin, 167 pages, 119 $

Cultural Expertise and Litigation: Patterns, Conflicts, Narratives, Livia Holden (ed.), Routledge, 2011, UK, 264 pages, 75.00£

Currency and Contest in East Asia, William W. Grimes, Cornell university press, US, 2009, 248 pages, 39.95$

East Asian Economies and New Regionalism, Edited by Shigeyuki Abe and Bhanupong Nidhipraba, Trans Pacific Press/Kyoto University Press, Melbourne, Austrailia, 2008, 304 pages, $89.95

East Asian regionalism from a legal perspective: current features and a vision for the future, edited by Tamio Nakamura, Routledge, 2009, Abingdon, 286 pages, 75£

East Asian Regionalism, Christopher M. Dent, Routledge, UK, 2010, 320 pages, 22.99£

Economic Integration in East Asia, Edited by Masahisa Fujita and Koji Nishikimi, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2008, 349 pages, $15

Intercultural Relations in Asia. Migration Work and Effectiveness, ed. by Chan-Hoong Leong, John W Berry, World Scientific, 2009, Singapore, 296 pp., US$96

International Relations in Southeast Asia: between Bilateralism and Japan's Aggressive Legalism: Law and Foreign Trade Politics beyond the WTO by Saadia M. Pekkanen, Stanford University press, US, 2008, 409 pages, 29.95$

Know Your ASEAN, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 2007, 50 pages, AS $14.95

Looking North, looking South: China, Taiwan and South Pacific, ed. by Anne-Marie Brady, 2010, World Scientific, US, 94$

Maritime Security in the South China Sea, edited by Shicun Wu and Keyuan Zou, Ashgate, UK, 2009, 272 pages, 55£

New Dynamics Between China and Japan in Asia: How to Build the Future From the Past?, ed. by Faure, Guy, World Scientific, 2010, Singapore, 350 pages, 108$

Policy and Economic Performance in Divided Korea during the cold War Era: 1945-91, Nicholas Eberstadt, AEI, 2010, US, $25

Regionalism in China-Vietnam Relations: Institution-building in the Greater Mekong Subregion, Oliver Hensengerth, Routledge, 2010, UK-US-Canada, 212 pages, 80£

Regionalism in East Asia: Why Has it Flourished Since 200 and How Far Will It Go?, ed. by Pomfret, Richard, World Scientific, 2011, Singapore, 183 pages, 78$

Snow on the pine: Japan's quest for a leadership role in Asia, Kyoko Hatakeyama, Craig F Freedman, World Scientific, US, 124$

Southeast Asia and the Rise of China. The Search for Security, Ian Storey, Routledge, 2011, UK, 370 pages, 85£

Statecraft and spectacle in East Asia: studies in Taiwan-Japan relations, ed. by Adam Clulow, 2010, UK, 134 pages, 80£

Strange Parallels Southeast Asia in Global Context, c. 800-1830 (Volume2: Mainland Mirrors: Europe, Japan, China, South Asia, and the Islands), Victor Lieberman, Cambridge University press, 2009, UK, 947 pages, 75£

The EU-Japan Security Dialogue. Invisible but Comprehensive, Olena Mykal, Amsterdam University Press, 2011, Amsterdam, 320 pages, 44.50

The Making of the ASEAN Charter, edited by Tommy Koh, Rosario G Manalo and Walter Woon, World Scientific, 2009, Singapore, 214 pages, 51 $

The New Central Asia: the regional impact of international actors, ed. By Emilian Kavalski, World Scientific, US, 99$

The New Political Economy of Southeast Asia, edited by Rajah Rasiah and Johannes Dragsbaek Schmidt, Edward Elgar, 2010, UK, 79.95£

The Politics of Economic Regionalism: Explaining Regional Economic Integration in East Asia, Kevin G. Cai, Palgrave, 2010, 196 pages, $80

The Rise of Asia: Trade and investment in global perspective, Edited by Prema-chandra Athukorala, Routledge, 2010, UK, 75 £

The Rise of China and Structural Changes in Korea and Asia, edited by Takatoshi Ito and Chin Hee Hahn, Edward Elgar, 2010, UK, 345 pages, 89.95 £

The Role of the European Union in Asia, edited by Bart Gaens, Juha Jokela and Eija Limnell, UK, 2009, page 260, 55£

Towards Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia edited by Koichi Hamada, Beate Reszat and Ulrich Volz, UK, 409 pages, 95£

Trade Facilitation and Regional Cooperation in Asia, Edited by Douglas H. Brooks and Susan F. Stone, Edward Elgar, 2010, UK, 201 pages, 59.95£

Trade Law And Regulation In Korea, Edited by Seung Wha Chang, Won-Mog Choi, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2011, 224 pp, 65£

Free Trade Agreements in The Asia Pacific, edited by Christopher Findlay and Shujiro Urata, World Scientific, 2010, Singapore, 299 pages

Cur bing the Global Economic Downturn: Southeast Asian Macroeconomic Policy, edited by Aekapol Chongvilaivan, ISEAS, 2010, Singapore, 198 pages, 25$

How Asia Can Shape The World: From the Era of Plenty to the Era of Scarcities, Joergen Oerstrem Moeller, ISEAS, 2011, Singapore, 540 pages

Dealing with Multiple Currencies in Transitional Economies: The Scope for Regional Cooperation in Cambodia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, and Vietnam, edited by Giovanni Capannelli and Jayant Menon Asian Development Bank, 2010, Philippines, 408 pages

Dr. Bernhard Seliger
Resident Representative
Hanns Seidel Foundation
Seoul Office
501, Soo Young Bldg.
64-1 Hannam-1-Dong
Republic of Korea

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