Wacana Seni, Journal of Arts Discourse is a refereed journal of the School of Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia, published for the advancement of scholarly knowledge about the arts in Malaysia and Asia. Each issue contains articles and reviews of books, records, exhibitions, and performances.
The journal is published once a year. It promotes networking and exchange between academics and practitioners. Articles appear in English and Malay.
Wacana Seni is currently headed by a new Chief Editor, Assoc. Prof. Hasnul Jamal Saidon with the following line up of editorial.
Editorial members:
The journal has a bilingual publishing policy (Bahasa Malaysia and English) and is published once a year. Wacana Seni is accepted and will be indexed in Scopus and listed in ERA Ranked Journal List.
We are pleased to announce that Wacana Seni Journal of Arts Discourse will use ScholarOne Manuscripts, a web based system for the submission and reviewing processes of articles. This is the web based system used by many leading publishers. Essentially, the system will handle all major steps involved in the publication of articles and these include submissions, selection of reviewers, reviewing processes, feedback to authors, etc.
Researchers interested in submitting their papers must first register at the website at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/wacanaseni. Please take note that all manuscripts submitted via the online submission system will only be considered for publication.
Contact Information:
For inquiries: wseni@usm.my
For submissions: register here
Website: http://wacanaseni.usm.my
The journal is published once a year. It promotes networking and exchange between academics and practitioners. Articles appear in English and Malay.
Wacana Seni is currently headed by a new Chief Editor, Assoc. Prof. Hasnul Jamal Saidon with the following line up of editorial.
Editorial members:
- Assoc. Prof. Shanti Balraj, School Of The Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia
- Dr. Mohd. Kipli A. Rahman, School Of The Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia
- Dr. Mumtaz P.V. Aboo Backer, School Of The Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia
- Dr. Jason Tye Kong -Chiang, School Of The Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia
- Dr. Sarena Abdullah, School Of The Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia
- Dr. Muhizam Mustaffa , School Of The Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia
- En. Safrizal Shahir , School Of The Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia
The journal has a bilingual publishing policy (Bahasa Malaysia and English) and is published once a year. Wacana Seni is accepted and will be indexed in Scopus and listed in ERA Ranked Journal List.
We are pleased to announce that Wacana Seni Journal of Arts Discourse will use ScholarOne Manuscripts, a web based system for the submission and reviewing processes of articles. This is the web based system used by many leading publishers. Essentially, the system will handle all major steps involved in the publication of articles and these include submissions, selection of reviewers, reviewing processes, feedback to authors, etc.
Researchers interested in submitting their papers must first register at the website at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/wacanaseni. Please take note that all manuscripts submitted via the online submission system will only be considered for publication.
Contact Information:
For inquiries: wseni@usm.my
For submissions: register here
Website: http://wacanaseni.usm.my