World Union of Jewish Students' Letter/ Op-Ed Writing Competition

03 April 2011
World Union of Jewish Students' Letter/ Op-Ed Writing Competition
Deadline: 1 December 2011

Write a pro-Israel letter and win $1000 from WUJS!

The World Union of Jewish Students is launching a letter/op-ed writing competition, incentivising Jewish students to write to newspapers making Israel’s case. The letters or opinion pieces can be broad in subject, whether in reaction to a news event of pro-active. The three top published pieces at the end of the year will receive prizes of $500, $300 and $200 respectively at our WUJS awards ceremony in December during WUJS Congress. The terms of the competition are as follows:

* Must be published in a NON-JEWISH and NON-ISRAELI newspaper.
* Published letter/op-ed can be in international, national, local or student press. We will consider online publications.
* All letters/op-eds will be re-published on the WUJS website, citing the original source.
* Letters/op-eds must be published from March 20th to December 1st 2011.
* We must receive entry from the writer him/herself within 31 days of letter being published.
* To enter an e-mail must be sent to with the following information; Name of author, name of publication, date of publication, full text as published of letter, e-mail address, and either a link to an online source or a scan of a print source. Letters need not be in English, but a translation must be provided to English.

More information here.
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