Call for Papers: Portrayal of Unheard Voices in Indian Women’s Literature in English

07 April 2011
Call for Papers: Portrayal of Unheard Voices in Indian Women’s Literature in English
Deadline: 30 May 2011

CALL FOR RESEARCH PAPERS ON: Portrayal of Unheard Voices in Indian Women’s Literature in English

Editors: Dr. Sheeba Rakesh, Dr. Arvind Nawale (Guest Editor)

No Contribution/ Subscription fees. Papers will be accepted and published free of cost and only on basis of merit. Each contributor will get a free complimentary copy from the publisher

Pankh, had been inaugurated with a view to providing “Wings to Women”. The task is by no means easy and we have been trying our level best to do everything possible that brings about a change in the society. Gradually, the involvement with the people at the grassroots and their experiences inspired me to look forward to bringing out a book that could talk a lot more about the experiences of women at different levels. The writing by women at all levels, is therapeutic because it voices specific experiences and feelings. I therefore hereby, invite you to be a part of this therapeutic therapy through thought. In the proposed book of research papers, authentic, scholarly and unpublished research papers are invited from scholars/faculty/researchers/writers/professors from all over the world for this volume tentatively titled as above.I feel that with this book and you all…we shall take another small step forward in the direction of understanding women.

Proposed Publisher: The volume will be published with an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) by a renowned publisher and Dr. Arvind Nawale will be the Guest Editor.

Thematic Focus of the Volume:

Existence, Existentialism, Identity, Resistance, Power—these have been some of the raging issues in contemporary women’s fiction and writing. From the established canons of Speech we have come to accept the “Genotext” and Luce Irigaray’s “Delirium”. Is Voice always necessarily Phallic? Must she always speak like a Man to be heard? If not, what are ‘her’ ways of expression? Do silences have their importance or, is the silent subject always marginalised? Do women’s voices clash?(Mothers/Daughters or female hierarchy at workplace) Are Gender relations undergoing a change through these voices? The Social castration of individual women’s liberty has been a mode across cultures to establish the “right” kind of behaviour. How have the women writers broken the idealised stereotypes in society and helped the reinvention of the male-gaze? How unconventional have they been towards the promotion and cultural construction of women’s subjectivities, if at all? Are we are trying close to achieving what Cixous called the “Realm of the Gift”? the chora that accommodates the “other bisexuality”? Has the clash been rather loud in terms of the confrontation of the traditional concept of “Stree-Dharma” and the sexual economy of the New woman?

With the analysis of the French feminist theory and relevant Indian observations in the background, we solicit a wide range of research papers that critically analyse the expression/ reinvention of the Female Voice and Sexuality (including concepts of beauty) in Indo-Anglian Women’s writings. We would love to explore articles on themes such as existence, existentialism, identity, resistance, power-play, gender relations, role of women as lovers, wives, concubines, objects, ideals, mothers, women’s subjectivity etc. However, you may also send your papers on any other important issues as reflected in the works by Indian English Women Writers which in your view, should make a significant contribution towards changing mindsets.

Editing requirements:

• Paper size: A4, Font & size: Times New Roman 12, Spacing: Single line, Margin of 1 inch on all four sides.
• Title of the paper: bold, centered (Capitalize each word).
• Text of the paper: justified.
• References: Please follow MLA style (Only Author-Date or Number System) strictly. Don’t use Foot Notes.
• In the body of the book- Titles of books: Italics. Titles of articles from journals and books: “quoted”.
• Articles should be submitted as MS Word 2003-2007attachments only.
• The paper should not usually exceed 11 pages maximum, 5 pages minimum in single spacing.
• Each paper must be accompanied by i) A declaration that it is an original work and has not been published anywhere else or send for publication ii) Abstract of the paper (100-200 words) and iii) A short bio-note of the contributor(s) indicating name, institutional affiliation, brief career history, postal address, mobile number and e-mail, in a single attachment. Please attach these details in a single MS-WORD file, after the paper has already been attached.
• The papers submitted should evince serious academic work contributing new knowledge or innovative critical perspectives on the subject explored.

Mode of Submission: Each contributor is advised to send full paper with brief bio-note, declaration and abstract as a single MS-Word email attachments to email addresses: or latest by 30th May, 2011.

Selection Procedure: All submissions will be sent for blind peer reviewing. Final selection will be made only if the papers are recommended for publication by the reviewers. The details of the selection of your paper will be informed to you telephonically or on your email. The editors have the right to make necessary editing of selected papers for the sake of conceptual clarity and formatting. Non-selected papers will not be sent back to the contributor in any form. So, all contributors are advised to keep a copy of their submission with them. Each contributor will get a free complimentary copy from publisher.

Plagiarism Alert: Contributors are advised to adhere to strict academic ethics with respect to acknowledgment of original ideas from others. The editors will not be responsible for any such lapse of the contributor. All submissions should be original and must be accompanied by a declaration that it is an original work and has not been published anywhere else. In case of such lapses, if any, neither the editor, nor the publisher will be responsible for the same.


Dr. Sheeba Rakesh
Faculty, Department of English,
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Girls' Degree College


Pankh – “Wings for Women”(NGO)
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